How saggy is your skin PostOP???

megan K.
on 8/18/07 12:31 pm - beech grove , IN
I was just wondering how much saggy skin you guys had? I have been overweight my entire life but I want to know how bad everyones skin was and what they did to make it not so bad, My mom had the surgery and has some... I guys if mine was like hers I would deal with it cuz besides the little bit of skin she has she looks great! I am only 22 and dont want my skin to hang to me knees so anyone have any stories... I am not only wondering about that, but your surgeries... Was it something you would do again or say NO! Thanks for any info!
on 8/18/07 12:43 pm - Brownstown, IN
Hi Megan, Yes i would do it again, I had open RNY on Nov. 1st 05 and i have lost 140 lb.  I would do it again in a minute. its been the best thing i ever done for ME!  I am going to be 50 next month and even at my age its soooo worth it.  I have some skin issues, my arms are saggy but i dont care,  my thighs are saggy and i dont care much about that either, i do have problems with my tummy and breasts because i get rashy but i am hoping to get plastic surgery to remove the tummy,  Would i like to have the others stuff fixed,,, you bet, but if i can never afford it, i still look so much better than i did before so i can live with it.  How much sagging you have depends on how much weight you have to lose.,  you are young enough that you may not have a bad problem with it. use alot of lotion and take good care of your skin and you hopefully wont end up with anything you cant live with.  Good Luck Carla

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megan K.
on 8/18/07 12:50 pm - beech grove , IN
My belly has ALWAYS had a lot of excess skin... I guess that is what it is called. Even when I lost weight and went down to a 16. I just want to prepare myself. I am really happy you got back with me. I was starting to get scared about the surgery but all of you guys are really nice and have answered lots of my questions... I am sure I am known as the ANNOYING NEWBY... if not I am surprised!
on 8/18/07 9:55 pm - Indianapolis, IN
Megan, Trust me, there have been way more annoying newbies than you! Hahaha!! I NEVER classify someone as being annoying because they ask questions. They don't get that rank to me unless they want to try everything they can to push the limits and not do what they are suppose to do. We've had them on here *****fuse to take in any kind of protein post-op or refuse to take their vitamins. We've had them that just doesn't understand why fried chicken isn't on the allowable list. So..those who have the surgery then doesn't want to comply with what is needed, they are the annoying ones. Those who want to do the right things and ask 10001 questions to be sure they are, they are the newbies we love to see on here!!!! I am hoping some young people answer your post (Samantha!!!). For us who are your mom's age (or could be), our skin doesn't behave the same as yours. Once you have kids & age, you have excess skin. Even people who have always been a little over-weight and not ever obese. The skin loses it's elasticity as you get older. So..use sunblock (ok you who know me...I advise this because I KNOW first hand what, exercise to firm up your muscles, and use a good firming lotion (some are relatively inexpensive). At your age, it probably wouldn't be recommended for you to have a tummy tuck. I'm sure that someday you'll want kids. Wait until baby-days are done. Then, consider if you need a tummy tuck (by them, you'll probably want to perk up the gals too). Otherwise, it'd be a waste of money since babies stretch the belly out. I'm coming up on my 3 yr anniversary of having my RNY. This is going to sound like a great novel 'It was the best of times, it was the worst of times'. My first year was rough. I had alot of complications. None, life threatening and all fixable either through an endoscopy or surgery..but a pain in the butt anyway. Through it all I maintained, I would do it again in a heartbeat. I still would. Now..those who are less than 100 lbs overweight, I could offer some good suggestions to where if they listened, they'd never need the surgery. But for the obese, yes, this is a wise course of action but go into it knowing that sh*t happens and it just may happen to you. I approach every surgery & medical issue that way (I was prepared mentally to hear 'breast cancer' last week). If you do, and you sail through it with no problems..woo-hoo!!!! I like the saying 'Prepare for the worst, hope for the best'. What you get is usually somewhere in-between...and usually closer to the 'best' side. Glad to see you on here...and glad to see you aren't being a lurker!  Sherri


Never allow someone to be your Priority while allowing yourself to be their Option......
Whenever God Closes One Door He Always Opens Another, Even Though Sometimes It's Hell in the Hallway...
on 8/18/07 8:59 pm - Thorntown, IN
Megan,  Well, it depends on so many issues. For me, being overweight /obese most of my 58 yrs.I'm married, had  3 babies & gained between 75-110# with first 2, plus inheriited the lg. hips,thighs, panni all of the women on my Mom's side, I'd say I have ALOT of extra skin. I'd like to get a panni done, as well as the rest-breast lift,thighs,lipo,arms, but have to wait till I see if that day ever comes. You are young, and if you do toning,firming,strength training,walking -basically exercise, after surgery it does help.   I like the Jello commercial- "jiggle when you wiggle" oh yea, thats me. -my grandaughter & I get up & wiggle to it-hee~hee!!! But that's ok, I have learned thru the process of recovery that changing my habits ,like sitting in front of the TV all day, & getting uop & moving DOES make a differance. THIER ARE NO ANNOYING NEWBIES-WE ALL HAVE ASKED TONS OF QUESTIONS -SO KEEP ON ASKING! WE ARE GLAD YOU'RE HERE!! ((((HUGS)))) Ellen
  (((BIG HUGS)))
starting wgt. 271#/178/ goal-155#  Loving God,family,friends & life!!!
megan K.
on 8/19/07 8:25 am - beech grove , IN
Hey, I just thought I would add I have 2 children. I am planning on getting my tubes tied hopefully next month... I dont want to work my butt off and gain a bunch of weight because I get pregnant... Like I said I have 2 children that are 3 1/2 and 8 months. One is a boy and the other is a girl. I have the "American Family Dream". I only want two children cuz I want to spoil them and dont think I will ever be able to if I have more than 2. I know I keep going on I just dont want everyone thinking I am sounding stupid for not wanting anymore kiddies...
on 8/19/07 6:35 pm - Indianapolis, IN
Megan, I had my daughter when I was 20, my son at 22...and then I had my tubes tied as soon as I could find a doctor willing to do so! Back in those days, they didn't like to tie a woman's tubes if she were still in her 20's.... I absolutely do understand! Sherri


Never allow someone to be your Priority while allowing yourself to be their Option......
Whenever God Closes One Door He Always Opens Another, Even Though Sometimes It's Hell in the Hallway...
on 8/19/07 9:46 pm
I Will speak for the few guys that are on here.  I am in my 60's and the lose skin is a little problem if going to the gym or your spouse objects and that bothers you.  I am so happy with over 100 lbs weight gone that I don't let it bother me. I do notice how much there is when I get in the hot tub at the Gym.  Glad you can't see through the foam and bubbles.  My stomach and legs feel like they are at Disney Land on all the rides at once.  Sometimes i feel like I should hold the flesh still. Seriously, losing weight gains so much more then worrying about lose skin. I feel so much better.  I could not walk one block without stopping for a rest.  I now walk 5+ miles a day and started a bike program this week.  Hope to ride 50 miles a week by the end of September. I need to set goals.  Today is dress up day at work because of a special program and I cooked breakfast for the wife and I wearing an King Arthur flour apron that before the surgery the wife would have to tie it in the back.  Today I was able to bring the tie around and tie it in the FRONT. I would do back flips if I knew how. Bless you E
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