Friends & Support Group
This is the best online support group you will find anywhere. We have some regulars who are in your area too. But the rest of us are as close as your computer.
I can eat as much as I want...I just don't want much.
I'm ashamed of what I did for a Klondike bar...
I go to the Ft. Wayne support group. We got a new facilitator last fall and it hasn't been as good as it was before. There are still a lot of good people there but this Indiana OH web family is the best. We are here every day. The monthly support group last an hour and even though there is a web site for chat like this set up through Yahoo, people rarely post or respond. I still go to the support group in FW about every other month now. I'm in a "body sculpting" (ha ha) that just meets on Tuesday night and I hate to mis it. I don't make it to many of the OH get togethers because they are usually to far away but I've been to a few of the clothing exchanges and it is so nice to meet some of the people on here in person. They have all been so nice.
On July 27, 2007 at 12:17 PM Pacific Time, byHizgrc wrote:
I want to find friends around here that know what I'm going through & a support group that's as close to me as I can find. I'm in Wabash which is about 1 hr from Kokomo & Ft Wayne and 2 hrs from Indy.