D S.
on 7/26/07 2:40 pm - Kansas City, MO
Welcome to Friday! Tho it still is Thursday for me as I have not been to bed yet. Trying to get trash out for the trashman, and stuff situated for yard saling goodness.  Ellen suggested at lunch Thursday (which I enjoyed very much!) that I post on here about my yard sale.    So for those interested, it is this saturday from 8am-about 2ish, depending on if it pours down rain or not.  I do have a practically brand new elliptical trainer I'm selling there. It's got the cross training hand bar option, or there is another bar that you can use if you don't want to work your arms.  Digital read out, heart monitor.  I only used it twice when we lived in our last apt, and just never got around to bringing it in from the shed after we moved.  Its going at the yard sale for $50, but I'll sell it to any OHer that messages me  that they want it before I drag it out onto my lawn for $25.  I'm limited on space for stuff that can make the move to KC, so it has to go :(.  Take care and have a great friday!  I'll just be doing yard sale stuff and packing to move!


Lisa K.
on 7/26/07 7:40 pm - New Castle, IN
Darrah, OHHHHH Please Please Please!!!! Thank goodness for OH family! I would love to buy the Elliptical trainer from you!!!!! Actually my mom (she is also on here) would be the one driving up with my father in law to get it. Everyone in our family have been dieing to get ahold of one of those! Please let me know your contact info so that we may make arrangments! My name is lisa kalley and I will email u my number! Thanks hun!
Jenifer R.
on 7/26/07 10:10 pm

You said it girl....TGIF!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm so ready for this week to be OVER! :) working today...going out with hubby tonight, yardsales tomorrow perhaps??? and it starts all over again on monday...but only til thursday when i have my rebirthday :) hugs girls...i have 7.5 hours of working goodness ahead of me...ode to finishing sooner than later! lol hugs jen


I'm a size 10, and I feel AWESOME!

(deactivated member)
on 7/26/07 10:26 pm - Terre Haute, IN
Hello all! Happy Friday! I am here at wor****il 4:30, at Vocational Rehabilitation. Then I go into work at Sears tonight. I work there tomorrow too. Sigh. But atleast I have some fun planned this weekend. Saturday night, we're going to Bloomington to visit some friends. That should be good.  I was piggy yesterday. I felt like I was grazing on Cheez-it's all day! I was really glad to see this am that I hadn't gone up on the scale. I told myself today's a new day. I will do better. I had enought time this am to scramble up some egg whites for breakfast, so that was yummy, along with with some fresh strawberries.  We got pet pictures taken this week. I will post them when I get the CD, but it will take 4-5 weeks. The dogs did so good. I bet it was humorous to watch us trying to get three dogs to sit for a picture! Linda Vicory
on 7/26/07 10:41 pm - Indianapolis, IN
Good morning everyone! Darrah..I hope you have a really good turn-out for your yard sale! I'm glad Lisa said she wanted your trainer. I took off of work today. I have an RV to pack up! Yeah, it's only for the weekend, but I want to be sure to bring! This weekend's advernture is Indiana Beach. I went there on my FIRST honeymoon WAY back in 1978. In 29 years it has really expanded. It's been about that long for Bill too. The kids & I did go there once about 10 years ago so I'm sure there's many changes since then too. A friend of mine...Denise...I haven't seen her in about 2 years....lives in Lafayette. She's gonna come over to the site so we can visit! I think I'm looking forward to that more than anything! I guess that attests to my gift for gab! Next weekend:  Fun Spot Amusement Park & Zoo in Angola. Never been there. Chance is coming with us for that one. The next weekend after that: Indiana Obesity Help FIRST Camp-Out!!! Everyone is welcome..pre/post-op...Families, dogs, who-ever! Check out the posts and get your site reserved today!! Hope & her hubby are offering special pricing for those fro OH so be sure you tell them that you are from Obesity Help when you call!!! Well..time to get it in gear. I don't know if there's WIFI there or not..or if I'll have if not, chat at you guess Monday! Oh..I do have my 'in case it rains' ready to go out to the RV...the new/last Harry Potter! I have been saving it just for the occation! Sherri


Never allow someone to be your Priority while allowing yourself to be their Option......
Whenever God Closes One Door He Always Opens Another, Even Though Sometimes It's Hell in the Hallway...
Jo N.
on 7/26/07 11:29 pm - Crawfordsville, IN
Good Day Everyone Yes thank goodness it's Friday. Had another OB appointment yesterday. The report from my ultra sound hadn't been faxed to that office so I let the OB know what the specialist had said. Basically because I have no stomach muscles (combination of previous pregnancy and obesity) I'm never going to measure currectly in the office because there is nothing for them to push and bounce the amno fluid off of to measure. But it was nice to see Quinntin one last time. The specialist said I can look forward to Quinntin being born at 7.5 to 8 lbs and 22 to 22.5 inches long. A nice healthy baby. I'm excited. So I have a month and 29 days to go - very nerve racking! I did get a lecture about increasing my iron tablets. If I can't get my iron levels up I'll have to go in for another iron infusion. I have till Aug 22nd to bring them up. Looking forward to seeing everyone at the exchange in a few weeks and being able to say goodbye to you Darrah. Gatherings are sure gonna be different w/o you there. Hope everyone has a good weekend. I'm gonna be lazy and lay around the house and enjoy Gage's return from his Florida vacation and plan our shopping trips for his school clothes next week. CIAO Jodi
Highest Weight: 317/Surgery Weight: 267/Lowest Weight: 148
Currently Filled 1.4cc in a 4 cc band APBand
Panniculectomy w/psudeo TT proformed by Dr Bergman 10/8/2009
Need Help With Success? Read a Geneen Roth Book. "When Food Is Love!"


on 7/27/07 2:18 am, edited 7/27/07 2:19 am - Thorntown, IN
Darrah,  I really loved our time together and thank you for the early sale to me & all the extras- Amy loved them and is so grateful!!!! I am so glad we got to spend some time before you leave, & sold your trainer- see I told you so-hee~hee!!. I hope your sale goes great this weekend & everything goes! Don't forget to pm. me your new address, ok?! Hubby & grandson got 40 more bags of mulch yesturday while we were visiting, so guess what I did when I got home- oh,man, our yard is looking great but my body is telling me- enough!!! Sherri, have a great time this weekend- even if it is reading!! I sure hope you get to go on those coasters tho- i know you guys love them!!That's what got me thru all those long miles on vacation and wet days.I love to read, and grandson got the book too, so I'm gonna read it next!! Got to get a few things done before meeting my Bible Study gals for early supper. Have a great day everyone. (((hugs))) Ellen
  (((BIG HUGS)))
starting wgt. 271#/178/ goal-155#  Loving God,family,friends & life!!!
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