looking for friends im in for aug 8th

on 7/27/07 9:28 pm - bluffton, IN
hi there yup im done with my pre op class and medical test~im not required a 2 week liquid diet like some have said they are-just a full breakfast day before then liquids rest day then nothing after 12 im schedueled for 10:30 whats normal hosp stay say i go in on a wed and all goes great? will i be out on fri? my son is playing baseball all star team hes 9 im gonna miss some of his games cuz they r the 9-10-11 i love to watch im play ~~~~~~~~well i see u go to some of the groups there in ft wayne? how are they? i was thinking going the day before surgery cuz they r only open tues right 1st tuesday of mont?????????plz let me know on that~ thx well have a good day
Jan M.
on 7/27/07 10:26 pm - Waterloo, IN
Ft Wayne meetings are the second tues at 6:30
Annette C.
on 7/27/07 5:23 am - Danville, IN
Welcome! So glad you found us.   I'll keep you in my prayers on your surgery day!

I can eat as much as I want...I just don't want much.
I'm ashamed of what I did for a Klondike bar...

on 7/27/07 9:30 pm - bluffton, IN
i thank u for caring ~~~~~~~~~means alot have a good day
on 8/5/07 9:31 am - Lake Station, IN
missy- almost there! are you counting the hours? prayers and blessings. You are soo lucky you dont have to do this two week liquid diet thingy. it is AWFULLLL. I am so hungry, craby, my kids are staying away from me. and not only that, our family reunion is going to be sat.  I give you all my prayers for raising three girls.  My one girl turned into a B____ when she turned 13. she is human now at 24 and we are really good friends,  hang in there they do grow up. but now you will have the energy to run after them and keep up with them!  Please let me know how it goes. i am scheduled for aug 13.
on 8/5/07 3:00 pm - bluffton, IN
oh geees im really getting nervous im not nervous about surgery cuz ive had plenty of them its the afterwards thing~~~~~i wonder why u have to do liqid diet ? did they say why ???all i got do is day before surgery i get full breakfast then luch soft liquids then supper full liquid then nothing after 12 pm yea wed is almost here~~wow seems like yesterday i had a month to go but not now i got 2 days wow~yea the age 13 is horrible hu lol well ill keep u posted and thank u for ur thoughts    ill talk 2 u soon    missy
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