Work Repercussions

Heather Stone
on 7/26/07 5:16 am - Batesville, IN

Hello all.. I'm about 4 months, almost 5 months out.

I had a difficult surgery.. I was in the hospital for a very very long time,, I was on FMLA / STD for about 3 months of those.  Just now trying to stir back into working again.  Had several very difficult times in the hospital where I could had died, that kind of thing. So I'm back at work now, and the repercussions are beyond me.. People being mean, and not talking to me, talking behind my back.  The whole thing.. My boss and her boss, the whole thing they are 2 faced, acting like it was all fine, and now that I'm back,, I'm like the plague around here..  Been pushed the side told I can't vacation time for sick time like everyone else, because of my surgery.. I'm being completely and utterly alienated, and the stress is messing with me emotional and physically.. I'm just soo unhappy there are no words for it.  I'm at the point that when people ask me if I would do the surgery again.. I say NO.... I thought I did this surgery to make my life worth living and having something great to live for, and losing weight was the most important thing to me.. and now,, it's like Hell on Earth... (Sorry I'm rambling and completely and utterly beside myself mentally).. What do I do?? Do I quit and look for a new job?????? or what???

on 7/26/07 5:27 am - LaGrange, KY
I had a very similar situation, except it wasn't my WLS it was constant asthma attacks and being hospitalized for them over and over (my job was making me sick because certain areas had stong odors that sent me into an attack) When I went back they treated me like crap. It got to the point I would have anxiety attacks just thinking of stepping foot into my place of employment. I was then told by my asthma doc that he wouldn't release me off medical leave because my job was what was making me sic****il I found another job basically. Sooo I quit. The only problem I'm running into now is I'm having a hard time finding a job because I quit while on medical leave. Now that company is giving me a bad reference. But since your not on medical leave maybe you can give your two weeks and try and work it out?? no job is worth your health, physical or emotional.  Keep your head up ((( hugs )) Misty
O. Kufi
on 7/26/07 5:57 am
Hi Heather, I'm sorry that you are working in such a hostile enviroment. I do understand. I started in the current position I am in on 12/01/03 and within a few months I was wondering GOD WHAT HAVE YOU DONE T ME? People that are very mean, cruel, insensitive, unprofessional and just plain criminal. I call them simply haters. Heather don't let these haters dictate to you. Step back and look at every aspect of your situation and base your decision not just from your pain but from your strengths. Happiness is based on externals (things cir****tances, etc), JOY comes  from inside of you and no one can take it away from you unless you give it to them. Don't give those crazy haters the satisfaction of riling you up because they have ISSUES! The reason you had this surgery has not changed. You had it for you so that you could have a better, healthier, more satisfied life...FOR YOU!  Is everyone treating you differently? Your friends at work too? If they are they were never your friends and who needs them. We can't control other peoples emotions but we can control how we respond to them. I know that with the health aspects it makes it harder but the rule of thumb I live by with co-workers is I can work with anybody whether they like me or not. If I need you I will find you and if I don't leave me alone.  If your boss and her boss are doing something illegal then find out what is correct in writing and approach them with that information. Don't let them do anything that is wrong. It is good to evealuate and re-evaluate the relationships in our lives to make sure we are where we should be and involved with the people we should be involved with. If the people or things in my life are constantly taking away from me then it might be time to discard that thing or person that is taking away from life instead of adding to my life. I know you will make the right decision for you!    Big Hug You deserve it!!! 

We love because God first loved us (1John 4:19)

on 7/26/07 9:39 pm - Lawrence, IN
Antonette, Your future co-workers are anxiously awaiting your arrival with open arms.  Can't wait until you get here. Floyd

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O. Kufi
on 7/27/07 12:05 pm
Thank You Floyd!!   Aerobics See ya soon!

We love because God first loved us (1John 4:19)

Scott W.
on 7/26/07 7:03 am - Indianapolis, IN
First of all, you did the right thing by having surgery, and dont ever let anyone make you feel as though you didnt.  I am going thru the same thing at work. My boss is very anti wls surgery (basically because he has been denied several times, and doesnt understand why), and he seems to get his jabs in with me all the time.He tells me that people who have had it done are weak, and quitters. I am very discouraged at my current job, and I feel that my time there is very limited. I will either end up quitting or getting fired, because I just cant make myself go to work to put up with his constant abuse. I have tried to talk to his boss about it, but it seems to be falling on deaf ears.  Hang in there though. Something will come up, and I will be praying for you. I hope you feel better about your descison soon, and if you need someone to talk to, send me a message.  Take care, and hang in there.  S.
on 7/26/07 9:16 am - New Whiteland, IN
Sweetie, I am so sorry they are giving you such a hard time of it.  In your current shoes, I would definatly be looking into a plan "B" . I am the type that I would never quit...I woudl rather they fire me and then I would draw unemployment benefits until the right job came along. I have been so blessed with the best job, bosses, and co-workers that to even think of someone being treated as you are is totally a nightmare. Stay strong in yourself and know you did what you did for yourself and if they have a hard time with it is is their issues and not yours. Look around for another job and see what is out there. God will bring you something better and in a short while this will all be behind you!  Thinking of you and keeping you in my prayers! Hugs! Marianne

"Bloom Where you are Planted! " RNY 2/3/06 ~ TT/BA/BL saline implants 7/17/07

on 7/26/07 9:37 pm - Lawrence, IN

Heather, I'm so sorry you're having so many problems at work.  Don't quit, but start looking for a job.  I'm not sure where you live, but there's a better job out there for you.  It may just take time to find it.  I know it's rough getting out of bed in the morning knowing what work is going to be like.  It sounds like you are being treated unfairly.  Check out the laws regarding your leave.  As far as the way people are treating you, they may be jealous that you are taking control of your life.  You have lots of support and friends here.  You need to talk, let us know.  We're a big family here and everyone is willing to help each other however they can.


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