Pre-op tests

on 7/25/07 2:09 pm - Wabash, IN
Can anyone tell me about the pre-op tests and did anyone having the RNY need a PICC Line? I am starting to get a call today from Doc Huse's office and they are sending in the info to insurance. I reckon I have been reading too much of the bad things on the main forum.  NIce to know y'all here in Indiana went to the same hospital I am going to and also the same doc. Helps with the info. I DO trust my doc its just my nerves.  I am not a patient person and the wait is wearing on me.

Lord, keep me in your will so I won't be in your way.
"His eye is on the sparrow, and I know he watches me..."

on 7/25/07 6:52 pm - Indianapolis, IN
Janene, Although many of us went to St. Vincent, all of us here on the board didn't. There are several good hospitals in the area for bariatrics. All of us who went to St. V's didn't have Dr. Huse either. I had Dr. Gupta. Dr. Jones, Dr. Caccuci, Dr. Inman, Dr. Evanson are just a few of the other bariatric surgeons who go through there. I know there are some others but I'm drawing a blank on their names. A PICC line is NOT normally needed. You will probably have a drain tube that will be in 3-7 days and depending on the surgeon, a second tube that helps with getting protein in if you need it. Neither of those are definate though. I only had the drain tube. The pre-op tests..nothing to them...and nothing to get all worried about. There is one that you have to drink this nasty crap but other than that, they are all a cakewalk. As to horror stories...they happen. But for each one that happens, you don't hear about all of the ones that had no problems. Risks with the surgery...or ANY surgery...increase with weight, age, heaalth issues. Ask yourself 'if my gall bladder quit funstioning, would I have it removed? The answer is YES! Mine did. The pain is so great that you would be ready to run to the surgery room. Sherri


Never allow someone to be your Priority while allowing yourself to be their Option......
Whenever God Closes One Door He Always Opens Another, Even Though Sometimes It's Hell in the Hallway...
on 7/25/07 9:44 pm
I will agree with SweetSheri.  Each person is different.  I had my surgery on April13th at 11:15AM I walked to the surgery room.  I believe walking there is a good thing.  It shows commitment and resolve to make this procedure a success.  On Saturday the 14th of April I was at the Kroger Pharmacy getting my pain medication script filled.  God blessed me.  Was I sore?  Yes I was!  Was it hard to get out of bed? Yes it was.  Did I wonder if I did the right thing?  Of course I did.  BUT I had a supporting wife that helped through the times I needed it.  Please find the support person you need.  My wife has approached the center about a group just for the support people.  There is untold emotions and questions that go along with that role. The pre-op is scary we always wonder what they find? Put your trust in the Lord and the Doctor that is doing the surgery.  I am working very hard to make my surgery a positive expierience.  I am 14 weeks out and have lost 100lbs.  I have a goal on losing 45 more lbs by the end of Oct.  The best thing that has happened from this surgery is my resolve to get to a healthy goal weight but most importantly KEEP at that weight.  We all need to realize our lifestyle is what needs modified.  Walk, walk and walk some more.  Find a friend that will assist you.  I am blessed with a wife that keeps me on track and will spend the time as my walking exercise partner.  She is obese and is losing weight at  a good pace and for the first time in Weigh****chers she has lost weight every week for 16 weeks.  I am VERY PROUD of her. You have made the hard decision to have the surgery.   Emil
on 7/25/07 10:08 pm - Wabash, IN
Thanks Sherri and Emil, I understand that not everyone has used Doc Huse or St. Vincents...but at least some have and it is a help to hear their stories.  I was so pumped for the surgery when I went for the consult in June and really thought I would be getting a date soon.but I had to quit smoking for 2 that is done...smokefree for 63 days!  its time for the insurance seems like its on the roll again...for which I am sooooo thankful!  I do have a great support system in my hubby and my sis (a nurse) and my mother..not to mention ALL of my "texas Posse"..GF's. My hubby walks every night and I am anxious to join him. Thanks for reading and posting to help calm these dang nerves of mine! hugggggggs Janene
Jenifer R.
on 7/25/07 10:32 pm

Janene...I have dr huse too...I am still pre-op, but I can tell you the pre-ops were no biggie with the exception of the UPPER GI which was nasty...but over surgery is in the 2nd of aug so I can let you know more when i'm done and to grandmasue...she just had surgery with dr huse on july 13th! :) good luck with insurance approval and CONGRATS on smoke free for 63 days!! that's awesome! hugs, jen

I'm a size 10, and I feel AWESOME!

on 7/25/07 10:35 pm - Indianapolis, IN
Janene, Congrats on the stop smoking! That, for me, was a bigger accomplishment than the RNY since it envolved mental willpower..whereas the RNY physically prevented me from pigging out. It's a very, very great satisfaction. I just celebrated 3 yrs of not smoking on July 19th! There's no reason to wait until your surgery to start walking. Nope, can speed walk..or probably even long distances, but do try to increase your walking more & more every day. It will make things ALOT easier on you once you are post-op! I didn't...and from personal experience, I sure wish I had. will love St. V's. Their bariatric staff spoils you! Oh sure, you'll probably hate them when they get you up for your first walk within a few hours of recovery but you change you opinion real quick! lol! Sherri


Never allow someone to be your Priority while allowing yourself to be their Option......
Whenever God Closes One Door He Always Opens Another, Even Though Sometimes It's Hell in the Hallway...
on 7/25/07 10:36 pm - Wabash, IN
Thanks Jen~ I have you in my prayers every day . I know your surgery will go can u stand the wait???? GAWWWWWWD I am soooooooooo anxious! yes I have been in contact with grandmasue...but I never seem to catch her online. Heck yeah yayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy me on the 63 smokefree days!  Never thought 1 day would happen!!!! thanks Jen~ huggggggggggggggs

Lord, keep me in your will so I won't be in your way.
"His eye is on the sparrow, and I know he watches me..."

on 7/25/07 10:36 pm, edited 7/25/07 10:40 pm - Peru, IN
I had Dr. Huse. My pre op tests consisted of a breath test to check for ulcers, blood and urine tests, then I had an EKG and then directions how to use the spirometer, then I had to have an upper GI and really that wasn't all that bad and a chest x-ray. All of this was done in about 2 - 2 1/2 hours. As far as surgery I reported on time and they took me back, weighed me and I got into a gown, they came in and wrapped my legs in ace bandage, then my family came back. The anthesiologist came in then Dr. Huse came in and said this was a series of steps and we would be taking 1 step at a time. The day of surgery was step 1 and we had to get through that before we could go to step 2 ect. and that he would tell me new instructions for each step. I walked to surgery, they started my IV's and then the rest of the day of surgery was a huge blurr from that point on. Except at 330 when 2 nurses came in and said they was my worst nightmare. That was when I walked for the first time. And I don't remember the walk even. The pain medicine just knocked me out like a light. They kept encouraging me to push the button for pain med and it just kept making me sleep. I never had real bad pain, just discomfort.  On Saturday afternoon I told them I did not like sleeping the day away after pain med so they changed what they were giving me. I have not taken anything since being home.   I did have alot of gas pain where it just felt like it was not moving. I did not have a drain line or a PICC line. I did have 2 different IV sites, one in my left forearm and one in the back of my right hand.  I had lots of swelling in my lower belly. It almost felt like I was pregnant all over again and my baby is going to be 29 this year!  It was a huge bruise where I had bled down and it settled there. I put on 9 1/2 pounds of fluid and gas. I have finally taken that off. I am now 13 days out of surgery.  I am only allowing myself to weigh 1 time a week and that is on Monday morning. I am certain I have lost because some of my clothes are fitting a little looser from pre surgery. I have done EVERYTHING like I have been told, NO DEVIATIONS!!! I came home on Monday about 2 pm, surgery was Friday at 11am. I attribute my lack of pain and bouncing back so far to what I attempted to do pre surgery. I attempted to restructure my meal plans. I am diabetic so I chose healthier choices, ate less, started walking and exercising every day and started drinking a protein drink every morning to increase my protein level. I managed to lose 30 pounds from consultation day to the morning of surgery which was from November 21 to July 13. I don't go back to see Dr. Huse until August 13.
Jenifer R.
on 7/25/07 11:41 pm, edited 7/25/07 11:42 pm
Sue...thanks so much for posting this, this not only helps Janene I'm sure, but it helps me in knowing what to expect for next thursday...I am looking forward to it, but my nerves have been acting up and I've been overly emotional as well...I'm so excited to go to "the other side" anticipation is killing me...and time is dragging on... I'm very hopeful I will not have a drain, or if I do that I will not have to come home with it because I live so far away and the trip back to indy is a long one...I hoping when I leave I too will not have to go back for 1 month. :) HERE'S HOPING!!! :) i'm sure glad you're doing so well, you've been in my thoughts and prayers...God Bless you.... Jen :)

I'm a size 10, and I feel AWESOME!

on 7/25/07 10:40 pm - Wabash, IN
thanks sherri.. I try to walk as much as I can but I need knee replacement in the left knee and the clutz I am....I tore a ligament in the right knee and trying to get that thing healed up!  Seems like I have had these crutches for more than 3 weeks!  lol I am sooooo looking forward to the campouts..and clothing exchanges...and all the get togethers! y'all are very special people to me and now not only do I have a "Texas Posse" but I  now have an "Indiana Posse"! thanks!

Lord, keep me in your will so I won't be in your way.
"His eye is on the sparrow, and I know he watches me..."

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