OT: medicaid waivers
A medicaid waiver allows the state to 'waive' the requirement to be in an institution to receive medicaid benefits for some people. Some examples of medicaid waivers are for people with developmental disabilities, autism, traumatic brain injury, the aged, and the medically fragile. People who are eligible for waivers can receive services in the community and stay home with their families instead of being in nursing homes or other institutions.
There is a waiver for seriously emotionally disabled children called the SED waiver. It is to prevent the children on it from being hospitalized at a state psychiatric hospital. This is the smallest waiver, and costs the state the least $$$. However it's very important to the families it helps.
My son is on this waiver, and we found out yesterday, it's being discontinued in February. I guess the state is wanting to save money. I guess they are counting on families will refuse to admit their children to the state mental hospital system, and will just do the best they can without treatment or with less treatment. What future does that give to these children? Without proper supports? Likely a future on SSI and medicaid. This is not meant to insult anyone receiving social security or public assistance, but I think we all agree it's a hard life on $603 a month (which is what SSI currently pays).
If you have a moment, please take the time to write in to your state legislators or the governor and let them know this is a poor idea for children with emotional disabilities. You can find them at www.in.gov. Thank you.