Post-op Cooking Class given by St. V
I almost forgot..when I was at the nutritionist, they gave me a flyer on a new cooking class for people 3 months out or more. It is supposed to be on how to prepare healthy food post op. This will be a monthy class, it is free, and reservations are required. The classes will be held on the 1st Monday of each month from 7-8 pm. The first class is Monday the 6th of November. They are held at Dinner By Design, 10485 N. Michigan Road, Medford Shopping Center, Carmel. If you would like to register you can call the bariactric Center of Excellence at 317-582-8035 to register. The gals said they still had room for Monday's class.
Also, Mark your calendar for the Bariactric St. Vincent Christmas Party for December 5th at the Ritz Charles in Carmel. As I was told all patients of the center will receive an invitation. I plan on going!
That's all for now!