Anyone need clothes?
I dont get to go to the clothing exchanges but i have a ton of clothes i need to get rid of.. does any one need anything? if so what size.. i think they run from 22/24 down to 14 and my mom has some 10s and 12s i think. I would love to give some of it away to some one who could really use them other wise they are going to the good will or the dump.
Carla, I know its late...but if not one else wanted the 22/24's I would be interested. I just got down into 24's. I dont know where u live but Im coming next weekend to meet up with Carmen and we are heading down to Lexington for the OH convention.
Are u in Indy by chance...Im in Richmond on the Eastern part of the state
Im in Southern Indiana, Not too far from Seymour which is on I65. what day are you going to Lexington? Maybe i could meet you some where on your way or on your way back... most of the clothing are just every day stuff. i dont have much what i call good or church cloths. You are more than welcome to them.. actually there is more of them than i could get in my car at once but not all the same size. Carla
ohhh also i am short so most are short or the jeans have been cut off to about a 29 or 30 inseam. im only 5'1"
Hi Carla,
I have a suggestion for your clothes if you haven't given them away yet. You can take those clothes to a police station and ask that they be given to a battered women's shelter. They get a lot of donated clothes but not many in larger sizes. Sometimes these women go to shelters with just their kids and the clothes on their backs.