Sunday morning
hello everyone, wow for as cold as it was yesterday morning it sure got warm. I so am not ready for the cold. Well after dealing with so much this year and stressing over my son and the money and even the little things. I have now come to relize that because of the hystorectomy I am going throgh the change. I had thought I was having some heat flashes in Sept. but wasn't sure. But I am sure now. So can anyone tell me just how long all of this is going to take? Is it one year or a few? Well I am working on my youngest son's bed room I am putting him in his older brothers room since he is now living with his dad. Oh I got a great deal yesterday. I was looking for a queen bed and box springs for him well I went to a action Sat. and got a 2 year old queen size bed room suit for 300 bucks
, it was going to cost me 369 dollars and tax for the mattress new. So I am going to give him the mattress set and I am going to give him my bed frame and I am going to take my first ever bed room suit. I am so happy. But now we have to finish the wall paper and then take everything apart and then reput it back up. Now I wished I had a man around. LOL. Well I had better get off of here and get started. Have a good day all.
Lisa B
Good morning everyone!
I hope you all were able to enjoy the day yesterday. Myself, I thought it was cold all day! Guess I could of used one of Lisa's hot flashes! Especially when we walked home from the generator shop! Brrrr! Although I have to admit it wasn't as bad as the walk to the auto shop of Friday night. The wind was gusting and there was one round that lasted for over 5 minutes. We'll have to walk back up to the generator shop..probably Monday pick up the RV (it's generator needed tuned-up). Last I heard, it's suppose to rain Monday. If it is, I think we just may call a taxi for that one!
Lisa...sounds like you got a pretty good deal with that bedroom set. Good for you! And good for you to keep it for yourself!! I'm sure both bedrooms will lokk fantastic when you get done with them.
Other than having dinner with some friends at 5 (McAlister's Deli), I'm just going to work on my plastic canvas stuff today. I still have to cut out the pieces for 6 of the 16 ordered banners. Then I can vacuum up all the little nubs and my carpets be ready for my surgery (left foot, Nov. 3rd).
You all have a really good day!
I'm just working today. I work on weekends at a domestic violence shelter. I actually work at the shelter's transitional housing, which is like a next step after crisis shelter is provided. So it's pretty laid back here. (Unlike at the actual shelter, where things are always hopping.) But even though there's a lot of down time, they need someone to be here all the time, because when they need you, it's important to be available.
I am anxious to get the results of my psychological evaluation soon. I checked and I was supposed to be reviewed last Thursday. Any ideas on how long it takes after that to get a letter or call or however they do it?
Linda, it kind of depends on where you go and who does it. I did not go through the St/ V guy, cause my husnabd's mental health insurance covers any mental health visit 100% after a $10 co pay. So I weighed the options of $10 vs $150, and chose the $10 route. My actual letter from the psych is what took me the longest to get, but she said she hadn't realized I had wanted it so soon. If you went the the creepy St V guy, my guess is the turn around is prolly faster as they are used to dealing with those of us who just can't hardly bare to wait for surgery (i was one of those!).
I am sitting at home munching some veggie soup (albiet canned) and cottage cheese. Does anyone have a December appt coming up with Dr. Cacucci? I have one on the 8th of December if anyone else does, and youd like to do lucnh or breakfast that day. OR any other St V dr for that matter lol.
Only 19 more days Sherri. It's sad that my big exciting day is the same as your big not so exciting day. Sure hope youll be up and about sooner this time!