Would like to know if anyone was approved to have surgery because they took an anti-depressant.
I had my consult with Dr. Jones and physc eval the same day. After the eval sessions with the Clinical Physcologist, he said I had to come back and take another test, an MMPI (?). I went back today and took it.
I asked him if I had to take it because I took Effexor, he said yes.
I am glad they take precautions and respect thier policies, however, I was set aback by it.
At times during the eval session, I felt I was defending myself and that he was reading more into what I said than what was really there.
I work in the medical field and lead a stable life with problems not so different than others. I have a hormone I went through my change very early in life! That is when I ran into problems, at 33, perimenopause! I know HRT would have been very helpful, but with two aunts who have had breast cancer, I opted out on that one!
Thanks in advance for any responses!!
We all think the little nerd is weird (Clinical Physcologist). I didnt have to take any other tests but I do know hes been doing that alot lately. I hiope all went well for you. Chances are he will approve you anyway. I dont know of anyone he hasnt. He may have u take a few more apts but I dont think it will keep u from getting approved. However I dont think it helps u at either.
I think hes just trying to make sure that u arent just doing this becouse u are depressed that u know what u are doing and that u will be able to follow all the directions after surgery and that your imbalance wont get in the way of your following specific instructions for the rest of your life. I wish u the best of luck. I hope it all goes well for you. I think u will like Dr Jones and her group. I sure do.
Thanks Mariah.....if I was the only one who felt he was a little weird 'nerd'.......then perhaps I WOULD have a problem! LOL
I also believe it is the one who do not seek help or answers are the ones truly at risk.
I am 'sane' enough to know when there is a problem it needs to be taken care of! I mean, if you have a headache, take aspirin.......if your back goes out, go to the doctor!...etc....
I started having symptoms when I was 33......which doctors told me I was 'depressed'....yet any of the anti-depressants wouldn't work......HORMONES....only to find out years later!! I know of people who have been diagnosed as depressed can usually take the first anti-depressant perscribed to them and be successfull, if not, the second perscribed anti-depressant will work. I've gone for over a year without an anti-depressant and did fine.....then I would end up in the doctor's office again. My GYN, (a male at that!) explained to me that hormones do that! What a relief to know, an answer after nine years of other doctor's not knowing what to do with me! Because I was having abnormal bleeding after being post-menopause that I went to a GYN, had I not, I would not have gotten an answer!
I made yet ANOTHER mistake (because I am sooo honest!) of telling the lil physc that I use to drink............when I was younger! I read last night a posting that Dan P. posted about the relationship between bariatric surgery and how there is an increase of patients becoming an alcoholic! I thought.........OH MY! More ammunition for him!
Did I ever need help to quit drinking....?? NO! I quit because I had other things to do and as you get older, hangovers aren't a lot of fun and are harder to recover from!!
Do I drink now? Sure, every once in awhile, but I don't over indulge! Many young people drink more than they should......but if your an alcoholic, you don't quit and you need help to stop.
My only REAL addiction is smoking cigarettes! Nasty old habit that I forbid my children to ever pick up! My oldest son, now almost 21 doesn't even smoke....though he tried, but I wouldn't allow it!!
Thanks Mariah.........I hope it all does work out for I really want to have the surgery done........I've thought long and hard about it and have researched it and have read and read up on it!
This site is soooooooooooooo very informative!!
I'm worried about being approved for the surgery by St. V's 'team', who approves it. Maybe I should be more worried about my insurance? My insurance is TriCare Standard. I've read posting on TriCare and they seem pretty co-operative.
I'll just play the waiting game and wait to here from the surgeon's office.
Good Luck to all and thanks for the reponses!
Im glad u were aware of sure sucks to have a big suprise like that.
Im doing great. Im back at work. I havent had any problems. Im down 65# but I havent lost any wt in a few days. I do that ...I'll not loose any for a few days then all in one day I'll be down 5#'s. I have my one month follow up on the 28th which is really about a month and a half. I cant wait to get measured and see how Im doing on that stand.
I went to my first family gathering today and saw alot of ppl I hadnt seen since my surgery and everyone couldnt believe how well I was doing. I had the same reactions when I went back to work this week. So thats been exciting. Im sure u will love it. I wish I could have done this yrs ago.
I feel 100% better. I can walk without getting short of breath. Its amazing how many little changes Ive had that make a huge difference.
Good luck in your journey
How long were you off work?
I am sure the compliments you receive is just more added encouragement and confirms your decision for WLS was the right decison! You've had no problems then?
I know I had a hard time explaining to the little 'guy' what I couldn't do because of my weight........Plain and simple: " I can't move!" I have to pick up my leg just to remove the callouses on my big toes.......and how uncomfortable THAT is! I don't tie my shoes unless I HAVE to.....they're tied so I can slip them on and off. I told him how hard it was to try to can you exercise when you can't move because you have this big ole belly in front of you?? Heaven forbid to have to pick something up......I always hope no one is watching me! The worse 'awakening' for me was this summer. I was out pulling weeds and I received a phone call from my neice, I was sooooooo winded and hot! When the telephone conversation was over with, I couldn't go back outside. I also was trying to landscape.....digging and transplantting.....I wasn't outside for more than 10 minutes and had to come inside! My son asked me what was wrong....and I said...."I just can't do this like I use to be able to!" At this time, I found out that my blood pressure was starting to go on the high side....140-144.....I mean, I could 'feel' something was wrong! I have felt that I am really headed for a heart attack if I don't get this weight off, quit smoking and start exercising!
When I was younger, I was very flexible and I want to be able to obtain that flexablity again. I know if I have this surgery, I can do it!
Are you finding it much easier to move? What is your height and goal weight?
Dr. Jones seems really nice and understanding......I chose her because the research I have was ALL good!
The little nerd approved me "with recommendations" and I take Lexapro. Be patient. If he gives you problems, ask to see a different psych person. I haven't had surgery yet -- I'll find out Friday if my A1C blood sugar is low enough. If so, I'm on the calendar with Dr. Gupta for Wed Aug 30.
Hang in there!