need advice about changing doctors--Michigan city,IN
Hello all. Boy am I P***ed. Just got off the phone a while ago with my surgeon's office. Seems that an appointment"s( I scheduled about a week go) time has been changed. Another center my doctor works for over booked him and now I pay the price. I have to go to Chicago and that requires arrangements like for traveling, childcare, and time off of work. This has happend before many times . I called a doctor in Merrillville to see if he would take over my adjustments. the lady on the phone said he (dr. stanish) would not. has anyone had this problem or something similar? I need to find someplace closer and work with a doctor that is a little more respectful of my time like he expects me to be of his. The girl who called me to change my appointment time said he couldn't change the time because he had traveling time in between a surgery he was goiing to do and the adjustments he would be doing that day. So I asked her was it more than 65 miles like i was to be traveling to see him. anyway I'd appreciate any advice especially from someone close to where i live, Michigan City, iN. Also a note: Don't consider Water Tower Surgery Center for this procdure. The nurses and office help are great but the doctor stinks. thanks ahead of time for any help. dawn
Hi Dawn,
I had to change doctors. My first doctor didn't tell me I needed a hospital that was a Center of Excellence. My doctor just told me it would be late summer/early fall before I would get a date.
Didn't sound right to be did some digging found out , the office was waiting for the hospital he does surgery at to get its COE.
Changed doctors, had visit, subfitted insuance info and just waiting,
I should have done more homework. I feel safer at a hospital that has its COE.
Good Luck.Gail