Good morning everyone!
Has this seemed like a long week to anyone else? It sure does to me! I guess I'm just looking forward to the weekend I'm taking my Grandson Saturday to get his haircut and the school shopping. That'll be alot of fun. Chance is five, starting kindergarten, and a very entertaining & conversational child. Saturday night...if we're Zanies (10th & Arlington)...a guy I work with & his band are performing. They are called August Heet and they play 70's-80's Styx. I don't remember the opening band's name but they start at 9 and then Mike's band starts at 10. Last night we were snoozing by 9:30 so we'll see. Mike didn't think there was a cover charge. See? Busy Saturday! Fun Saturday! No wonder I want the weekend to get here! LOL!!
I may take off 1/2 day today. It's time to get my hair done again. The top is too long and the roots too visible
I want it done before my surgery and because of other things going on, today or tomorrow would be the best choice to go do it.
Oh...does anyone have a good way of getting rid of a sore throat? It never fails. I get a surgery date and my throat gets sore and/or my nose starts to flow like a fountain!
You all have a really good day!
Most of the time when I get a sore throat, it is due to sinus drainage, so I take something to dry it up.. there is always sal****er.. a good gargle never hurts!!
Good luck!
I wish I could actually spend time like that with my grandson... I am not allowed to take him anywhere and hardly ever get to spend real time with him... sigh...
Thanks. I tried sal****er this morning and about lost my cookies from it. I think tonight I'll start my NyQuil/DayQuil regiment. Yuck too, but not quite as bad (to me) as sal****er.
I am pretty fortunate with my grandkids. They don't live that far from us and my daughter (who has 3) and my step-daughter (who has 1) wouldn't mind at all if I called them up and said I was going to take 1 or 2 of them for the day. I'm not brave enough to take all four at Haircuts seem to be my Mamaw duty though. I've taken Chance for all of his and Myranda has had her hair cut once and I took her for that (and video taped it!). It is special time I get with them though..and haircuts are always just me and the one getting the cut and then we go to McDonald's or somewhere else they consider 'fun'. I wouldn't trade that for anything.
Good morning, everyone!
Only a 1/2 day of work today and then I'm off until Tuesday!! Yippee!! We're going camping this week-end at Indiana Dunes with a bunch of friends. I've got to get home today and pack the coolers and the car so we can leave when hubby gets home from work. It's supposed to rain up north today, so we're hoping that it dries out before we have to assemble the tent.... Putting up a tent in the rain is never fun.
Sherri - I feel your pain! My hair appt isn't for a couple of weeks and my roots are getting pretty bad...
I just had it cut a couple of weeks ago, but I swear, it grows like a bad weed in the summertime.
I'm probably gonna be a mad-woman by the time I get home on Sunday evening....3 days without my computer.......
Have a good day everyone!
Oh-so-glad today is finally here. I work tonight, and then it's at-home-vacation time! We have some friends coming in from out of town on Sunday and staying for a week, so that should be fun. Which of course means I'll be cleaning my house like a mad woman. Its not bad, just detail things. PLus, my carpet cleaner now has a short in it, so I'm hoping my check this week will be enough that I can get a new one, but I doubt it. Really didnt want the baby crawling around on dirty carpet.
Have gained another pound. So frustrating. I can FEEL the water in my legs. I *DID* take a pee test, but I think when I took it it was still too early for a result to come out, so I'll prolly try another this weekend. I don't rely on them too heavily though. I know they are supposed to be 99% accurate, but my mom's family has a history of being preggo without it showing up on pee tests. Neither me nor my two brothers showed up, and im 99% positive we all exsist. A couple of my cousins were the same way. Mom didn't even know she was preggo with my little brother until she had blood drawn for something else and they found it. So I'm requesting a blood test just to be on the safe side. I should be ending my period within the next three days, even if I was running a little late, so I'll prolly wait until Sunday just to be sure.
Good morning all...
It's finally Thursday,, and it's been the longeestt week ever!!!
I've got the psych eval on Saturday,, and then we're gonna do some shopping, and muttle around up in Greenwood. Go see my father in law and so on.
I have to get back though, becuase I have a huge school project due on Monday night,, it's a group thing, and I have the powerpoint to do.. Uggghh,,, the work involved..
Anywho,, between, working 40+, school, home, and this,, I'm stressing to the max!! I can't wait to get this started,, and for school to be over,, (gotta another year on the school thing).. Oh well, tis is life.
Everyone have a great Thursday.. Sherri,, I try some sal****er, and sometimes it dries it up..