Saw PCP today
Hi all,
Writing to let you know that I had my appt. He took the letter I had typed and also the CD I had put the letter on and said he would give it to his secretary to put on a letterhead and then she'll send it to me. He asked me if I was aware of the risks of the surgery and asked me what they were. He scheduled me to have a blood gas (ouch) done tomorrow in Pulmonary Lab to see about sleep apnea which I am sure that I have but haven't been tested for yet. I also have to have a thyroid test due to hyperthyroidism because I have several nodules on my thyroid. But heck I would rather have the hyper than the hypo
See I can find good in everything.
I have an appt for a free nutritional class starting next Monday and I have an appt to see my PCP again Sept 19. But since I am on Medicare I shouldn't have to have the physician documented 6 month diet but figured it couldn't hurt to go ahead and start losing some weight if I can. Any bit lost should be helpful before surgery if I can.
I hope whoever gives me my blood gas is real good at it and gets it on the first stick...dreading it. I can hardly wait to get these things from doc so I can call and make appt with Bariatric surgeon.
Thanks again for all the feedback I got. I even copied some and showed them to my PCP.