Yummy Calcium!
So after the post about calcium, I was really wondering what to do. To be honest, I've been HORRIBLE about taking my calcium. Very good about multis and B-12, but HORRIBLE about calcium. This is because I was told I couldnh't take them with my mutis, and I would always forget! So I now have to dispose somehow of two nearly whole boxes of viactiv chew. I was never crazy about them, but I refused to take the giant chalky chewable ones!
However I DID go pick up the Citracal soft chews. I got the chocolate mint ones, and expected them to be as not-so-exciting as the viactiv. However, these rock! The chocolate mint ones taste like a chocolate covered grasshopper cookie! and the inside of it is even a cookie type texture! Now not only will I actually TAKE my calcium, but it's like a little treat! (Albeit they ARE a little hard to open!)
hey Darrah, I am still taking my viactive chews, I will swich when I run out, I just had my blood work done and my calcium was fine. So just as soon as I run out I will swicth. I didn't even know we were to use the other tell someone started to post because I went to the doctor just before the change and then I didn't go to the last support group meeting because I was feeling bad. See what you miss when you don't go to your support meetings. That is a lession, I have never missed one since Oct. and now I just missed one and missed alot.
Lisa B
Where did you find the Citracal chews? I've looked at CVS, Walgreen, Walmart, and Kroger..and no luck! So...I continue taking the wrong ones for now. I bought some of the right ones..in pills..and they were horsepills! So...back to my chalky ones. Mmmmm...lol. I too have trouble remembering to take these! I have them setting by the sink in the kitchen. Sometimes that helps, but not always.
ps....Reminder: Please send me that pumpkin recipe...Thanks!
It's calcium phosphate-not calcium citrate...they do not absorb into the bones for WLS folks
your blood levels will still show 'normal' but a bone density test will reveal a decrease....could be harmful 10 years down the road when ya start breaking bones easier
Best wishes to ya for a happy, healthy journey!!
I got the Citrical chews in chocolate and lemon. I think they are too much for me (especially right now.) If you want them you are more than welcome to them. They are gathering dust in my cabinet right now. I decided to go the liquid route for my calcium after speaking to the nutritionist at St. V's last week.