What did your dr log in your chart?
OK my insurance has denied me coverage until I have been through a doctor supervised weight management course of who knows how long. I am going to resubmit my predetermination in 3 months. My question is.........What all should I be having my family doctor log each month I see her? She wants me to come in for weekly weigh-ins and they will log it on my chart, then see her monthly to talk about my progress which she will log in my chart. I just want to make sure she is logging everything I am going to need to get approval. My Weigh****chers weekly weigh-ins, which I had been going to faithfully without missing a meeting since Sept 2005 were useless to the insurance because they weren't monitored by a doctor. So now I can save my weekly $12 WW money. I could have saved a lot more if I had known back in March they weren't going to be any good. My family doctor is going to working closely with the psych doctor to coordinate my progress. All suggestions are appreciated.
I know from experience they are probably going to want to know diet and excercise regimen and it needs to be stated that you have been compliant. Make sure that they weigh you every time. My insurance even questioned me about see the nurse practioner on a few occasions. Good Luck!!! I am 3 weeks post -op. I feel really good.
Have a great weekend!