
Good morning it is Race Day.

on 5/27/06 9:27 pm - Lebanon, IN
Good morning everyone, I hope you all have a safe day and rest of the weekend. Enjoy the race and the sun and the day. Lisa B
Linda Kay
on 5/27/06 11:08 pm - Mooresville, IN
You have a safe and healing day too..mentally physically and spiritually. You deserve it!! I enjoyed yesterdays sun by mowing and weedeatting this acre and half.. and today I am going to mow the neighbors grass... she says she can get to it Teusday.. (she is 80) and with the rain possibly coming tonight it will be to tall to mow on Teu... wont take long with a 50 inch cutting surface on my mower.. Then off to see the triplets!!! Linda
on 5/27/06 11:23 pm - Indianapolis, IN
Good morning everyone! Well...yesterday, I put in my 8 tomato plants, transplant 3 hedge-type bushes and a bunch of lillies that was growing all by their lonesome to the edge of our sidewalk. We also have a 14x4 area by our porch (where those bushes were). Bill has said that he'd like to be able to sit out in his lawnchair someday in that area someday but didn't want to spend the $$ to have it cemented in. So...removed the bushes, then also shoveled out 3-4" of dirt out of that area (which meant finding places to haul it to as well). Today, I'm going to run to KMart and get some rock to put in the dirt's place. I figure I'll get some large stepping stones..and strategically place them so the lawn chair's legs will set on them, and then put little pea rock all around them. I think it'll look nice...and WAY cheaper than cement. Now, hauling that rock...I'm going to insist that he helps with that part at least. He did dig up the bushes and dig out the holes to put them in, but removing the 3-4" of dirt? That was all my baby. With all of that, I only put 2.5 miles on the pedometer yesterday. I figure that shoveling should have been more than enough cardio to make up for it though. You all have a terrific day!! Sherri
Scott W.
on 5/27/06 11:36 pm - Indianapolis, IN
YAY!!! I LOVE RACE DAY. My motto is, (and I used to have a teeshirt that said this that doesnt fit anymore, but just wait!!), "Welcome to Indianapolis, enjoy our town, spend your money, then get the hell out!!" I love that shirt. Today my mom, brother, sister in law, nephew and neice are coming down to go swimming at the pool. I am so excited. My neice and nephew mean the world to me, and I treasure every min i get to spend with them. I spent about 4 hours after work last night cleaning, and picking up. (Not all at once, my apt wasnt THAT messy), but I took a break to see the ballon that my company sponsers in the 500 parade. (The 70 foot parrot) I am excited to walk with it after my surgery. That would be a lot of fun, and pretty neat to see ALL those famous people!!! Well time for me to get busy again. Need to load the dishwasher, and run get some ice. Hope everyone has a safe and happy day today. GO DANICA!!!! Peace, S.
on 5/28/06 12:21 am - New Whiteland, IN
Well it is going to be a hot sticky day...I think I may break down and turn on the AC! I got the kitchen and dining room window all washed with curtains, blinds and all.. Today I start on the living room and hope to get the bathroom also. It is always so much and so little time! lol I am loving the weather finally showing signs of summer! I don't think the heat bothers me as much as it used to but the humidity is still there. Good old Indiana! Well you all have a great day and hopefully the race will be safe for all! May the best driver win! Hugs! Marianne
on 5/28/06 8:25 am - Indianapolis, IN
Wow Marianne and Scott ya'll can head over my way if you get bored I could use the housework help, and Linda you and Sherri (Bill too, he can sit and watch with my DH David hehehe) can some help me in my little yard (patio). David and I did do a little last evening planted a couple of plants, mulched and weeded, but there is more to be done. I do enjoy working outside better than inside though! I had a nice day we went to my Sisters she had her living room and dining room totally redone, new furniture, took the carpet off the wood floors had then sand stained so on. Painted and new curtians, art work you know the whole nine yards. She had a little house warming and cooked lasagna, and all the trimmings. Yummy. Her house looks amazing! What made it so special is that we were all there. My Mommy had a kidney removed due to cancer in May last year (on the day my Dad was buried) and we just found out the that it spread to her lungs and she has "multiple masses" in her abdomen. She is just going to take pain meds and wait for her call home to heaven. We took lots of nice pics probably the last ones (I'll post spme later) and loved one another up alot. Ok no wonder I am feeling so whimpy, the paperwork and this too! Ok I am off to see about that yard now. Hugs All. Christine PS anyone heard from our latest surgery folks? I worry about them when I dont see anything from them. I was wondering about Jennie. I'll just keep 'em in prayer.
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