I'm Approved!!
Yeah Brian I know how u feel about our NOT so wonderful Governor. He did alot of things to us. Now Im going thru all of this and we are going private on July first so if I dont get approved by then .....then I have to go thru this all again with my next insurance company....
I called Anthem again on Fri. I normaly have been calling on Mondays. Steph as much as told me to stop calling it wasnt going to help. They only have one RN doing the cases and shes very behind. She said I could appy for a job...they are hiring RNS.....since Im an RN I think after July first I will apply. Andy and I are wanting to move to Indy in Dec...guess it wouldnt hurt to have a job first...lol. So much for my life of leisure(sp) and letting Andy support me for awhile.
My story is about opposite of Brian's. I was initially on MPlan. I had 2 1/2 years on my physician's supervised diet. I was denied because they "didn't like the way my doctor kept his notes". They wanted me to go an additional 18 months WITH THE SAME DOCTOR.
I appealed, and they put me through a 3rd degree. I was in a room with 8 people. The only doctor in the room was this anorexic looking chic and to call her a b*%@& really is an insult to anyone who is proud of the name. I was trying to do 2 miles a day on the treadmill...which, not bad for 350 lbs with asthma and joint problems. Well..why wasn't I doing 5 miles instead? I was eating 1500-1800 calories a day. Well...why wasn't I only eating 1000-1200 calories a day? Needless to say, the denial remained with the appeal.
I switched to Anthem the following January. I was approved with no problem at all. I have had to pay $0.00 for any of my hospital procedures and only $8 (yes, that IS only 8 dollars) total for the surgeon's office.
Needless to say, I was impressed to see that you had MPlan and was approved!! Many, many congrats!

I think you misundetstood. I went through the same things you did when I had MPLAN. They never approved me. I swithed Anthem and have sailed through with no problems. Anthem approved me in 6 days the first time I tried. I was very shocked when I got the call. I was sure expecting a denial. Gotta love Anthem....

I wish I could have switched insurances! My employer also offers Anthem but if I switched, they would have considered my bladder disease as pre-existing and not paid for any of my treatments for a year. That would have been about $4000 not covered. Also, my husband had surgery on his arm and ended up with an infection and lots of complications...had 3 surgeries to repair damage and ended up with a skin graft from his thigh to his arm to finally heal things! Anyway...switching plans at that time was not an option for me so I stuck it out with MPlan. Now I'm just glad I stuck it out and followed the plan cuz here it is 16 months later and I'm still fat and sassy and APPROVED!! Of course I would love to have had it done sooner but I am just thankful that my insurance covers it. There is a lady I know of and I am not saying much about her so that I can protect her privacy but she is honestly one of those folks whose insurance is probably not going to ever approve her and she is not going to make it without surgery. We are truly lucky, blessed, whatever you want to call it.