Is it time to ask for someone new?
hi everyone -
First off let me say i have only seen Dr Clark once at a big meeting for people thinking about getting surgery, that's where he looked at me and said i would be a good person for it etc.
ok anyways i have know beef with him , HOWEVER the lady that handles my case i do, yes she's nice as pie but i do not feel she's either being honest or really cares, she does not keep me updated , nor does she call me when she says she will, YES i know im not the only person trying to have surgery but i expect respect and for her to at least call me with updates instead of me always haven to call her Or the insurance to get any answers. As i stated in past posts i have Amy. so im wondering is it time for me to speak to the office Mgr. and see if someone else can take my case? or should i just grin and bare it and feel like she's not doing her job.
BTW - i have been nice nice nice nice nice to her. but im starting to not wana be nice.
i do not know about the office much with amy...i do know with nancy at st f and with sue at community south they are very very busy....and I would call them and find out things..i have met amy and she is very very supportive and had the band herself...
I would not feel she was not being up front or you have a one on one with dr clark any time soon? call your ins co and see what they say..these ins companies give these ladies the run around i do know that...
i do not think it is cos amy does not care. or trying to give you the run around...
i would bet she is just busy or does not know the answer to call you back? ...i would not feel the least bad about her not getting back with you or your calling the ins yourself...this is your fight for your life...and who better to fight for your life than you?
Though i can understand where you are coming from, i have also seen what they go through....they want everyone approved and to have the surgery themselves and i know nancy also had the surgery so again she is very supportive...I would dare say as well maybe amy should say something like call me back and give you a day to do so and not say she is going to call you have this surgery on your mind and thats about all you can think about i bet....
please do not feel offended by her or feel there is no respect...i doubt that is the case...i would as i said almost bet she is just so busy....maybe she could use me as her
hope you have all your answers real soon and are a loser really quick as well... hang in there...i know it is stressful once you know you want this surgery you want it now...and not all this waiting.....but that is the ins not the offices and should it feel like amy is dragging her feet, she wants to send in and have your stuff together and ready for an approval....i hope i was able to shed some light on this for you....and you not to be so stressed out....
To be honest - this isn't the first time I've heard someone complaining about Amy.
I had the privleage of dealing with Nancy (Johnson). She is a doll. If she can't be reached by phone you can reach her by email. You can also email or phone Janet (Conway), she's the Bariatric Case Manager for all of St Francis.
If you'd like either of their email's let me know and I'll send them to you.
Hello Jeffiner
I to go to Dr Clark and if you were approved and you have medicare there is some problems if you are planning on going to St Francis Hospital. St Francis is not up to code with medicare but they should be by end of summer. The only hospital that medicare will accept is St Vincent's . I think what Sweet Tweety said was right on the money. Amy told me to call after I had my visit with the psychologist which is next week. I am on medicare and I was told my surgery if approved ( God Willing ) would be very late summer or early fall. so if you have Medicare that could be the prolem.
thanks everyone for responding , i value everyones opinons.
and i have Anthem insurance was denied and , supposly they sent my appeal, thats what they say but the insurance says diffy . and yes Amy is nice i will say that, but im jus saying for me my personal self i just dont feel shes being what she needs to be with me. but i will call her one more time lol and try i hate complaining about anyone.
jennifer ~
I worked with Amy too. Yes, she is hard to get a hold of and Yes, she doesn't always get back to you as quickly as you would like. She is run ragged. The interest in this surgery is increasing exponentially and the last time I talked to her, she had just gotten some help. I will say, though, you won't find anyone better at getting your packet together and making sure that it is as complete as possible. Also, don't doubt Amy, just because your insurance says they didn't get something. They will always claim that they didn't receive whatever you are asking about. They will never admit that they just haven't worked it yet. I've known of people with a return receipt in their hand and were told that it hadn't been received yet!
It is so hard to be patient, when all you want to do is get the surgery over with and start losing! But, believe it or not, all the delays and waiting actually work in your favor. You are getting ready to make a major change to both your body and your life. Your mind needs this time to wrap itself around the fact that you are going to be changing your entire attitude toward food. On a concious level you probably think you have already done that, but trust me, the reality is much more than you can realize right now. I'm not saying that it is "hard" or "overwhelming", just ... MORE. The first time they bring you something to eat in the hospital and it just these 2 little medicine cups .... it looks like nothing and then you try to eat it. Then it seems like it's 2 HUGE bowls!
I hope you hear something positive soon about your approval. Stick with Dr Clark and Amy. If anyone can get you approved, she can. If you are really bothered by how long it takes her to get back to you, let her know. But remember, she is dealing with dozens (and I do mean plural) of patients all just as anxious as you, all with insurance companies that don't want to pay tens of thounsands of dollars for each surgery. (My hospital bill alone was over $45,000. No doctors, just the hospital.) Good luck and I'll keep you in my thoughts.