Tomorrow can't get here fast enough!
Hello all... I'm trying to get some work done that I really need to get done before being out of the office next week. However, all I can think about is my surgery tomorrow! I'm so anxious and excited, a little nervous, and just basically all over the map emotionally! My clothes feel tight, and I just keep dreaming about that loose feeling of clothing after a few pounds of weight loss.
I just can't wait to be there!
For the many of you that were lifetime dieters such as myself, you can probably relate - I've never gone into a new phase of "diet" or "lifestyle change" or "program" with the honest belief and confidence that I would make it ALL THE WAY to my goals - I always had that nagging suspicion, based on years of the same pattern, that I'd make it part way, or half way, and then encounter the same failure and resulting depression, stress, and self-esteem-destroying overeating.
Finally, going into this surgery, I feel hope and confidence like never before. It's a great, great feeling, and I need to hang on to it during the ups and downs that I know are coming with this wonderful journey!
I just hope I can focus long enough to get my work done, and that tomorrow comes quickly!

Good luck tomorrow Katy. Just keep a positive attitude and do what your Dr tells you. Yes there will be ups and downs. But, at least for me, the downs haven't been too bad. I believe that part of the reason for this is my personal decision to look at the bright side of what ever comes my way because of the choice I made to have this surgery. I wish you a safe and speedy surgery and recovery.
Good luck tomorrow and after everything is done and over with you will be glad that you did it. This surgery is the best thing I could have ever done for myself and I would do it all over again if needed. Soon you will be a loser like the rest of us but being a loser is not a bad thing at all. I am glad to call myself a loser. You will be in thoughts and prayers.
Thanks to everyone for your support, prayers and good wishes! I did manage to get all of my last minute work done, so that's a relief. Now I can truly focus on tomorrow's life-changing event! I still can't believe the day is nearly here.
Thanks again to all of you for lending your invaluable support and insight!