to the hospital and back again
Hi All. Just want to report I am once again home after having to go back to
the hospital late Saturday night. I started feeling worse Friday night and
never got better, even after talking to the doctor on call on Saturday
morning and again Saturday night. I had nausea, continual belching and a new
pain on the left upper abdomen/rib area. I was one miserable chicky! So, the
doc told us to go back to St. V Carmel ER and be evaluated. During my 8 hour
ER visit, a CT scan of the abdomen and pelvis, labwork, etc., they decided I
was dehydrated, in ketosis, had become lactose intolerant, and had low
potassium; therefore, they admitted me again to the bariatric floor at 8:00
a.m. Sunday. They could not get my portacath open (for some reason...they
had just used it for surgery last week but the nurses there just could not
get the needle in properly) and my peripheral veins are nearly non-existant
as far as IV's and lab draws are concerned, and I look like a bruised pin
cushion. Originally they thought I might have a leak at the operative site
and might need emergency surgery but thankfully, I did not. I returned home
about 5:00 p.m. (yesterday) Monday. I finally slept last night and feel
better this morning. As long as I can keep enough fluids going and take the
meds they gave me to help coat my stomach, decrease the nausea, etc., I hope
to be ok.
I appreciate your continued prayers and support!
Tom had a great day at his new job yesterday. He looks So handsome in his
new suits/sport jackets! He is working at Marion Chronicle Tribune and does
the advertising selling for Upland, Gas City, Fairmount, Jonesboro and areas
around there. Thanks for your prayers for him too.