Just approved -- VERY anxious
Long time reader, first time poster.
I am excited to announce that Blue Cross/Blue Shield of California approved my surgery the day received it. I was nervous because I was not sure I could come up with written documentation to show every weight loss attempt, and from reading sometimes the insurance companies ask for 12-18 months minimum. They received/approved it on 5/16/06. It took my surgeon's office some time to fax it to them as they were playing catch-up after moving offices. I called the insurance company everyday to see if they had received it. Ironically the answer I was looking for is we did receive it, it is being sent off for review, turned out to be yes we received it this morning, and it was approved. There goes my anxiety about thinking I would get denied... I really thought that I would -- even though my BMI is above 72 and I have comorbids (Severe Sleep Apnea, Hypertension, Back issues/pain). What was funny about this is that I went a night through hell, because I told everyone I knew I was approved Tuesday and Wednesday, but then I get a call at almost 8:00pm on Wednesday from Blue Cross (they're in California so 3 hours earlier) and she said she is my case manager and to call her on Thursday. At this point I am thinking that jerk at Blue Cross was wrong, they didn't approve me... or why would they be calling?? Found out that they work with you for 1 year post-op to make sure everything runs smoothly, she confirmed it was approved, and did a 45 minute interview with me. Talk about pain of my chest. So now is phase II, waiting for my surgery date... this is seeming to take forever, as the surgeon's office just got approval letter today and it could potentially take up to a week. I do not want to wait, longer I wait longer the other surgery spots get taken. I will be having my surgery at St. Vincent's Carmel. So I will sit back and wait. During my interview with BC/BS she advised me to start getting ready by doing things like no caffeine, no carbonated drinks, start drinking from a sippie-cup, exercise, watch food portions, etc. It just seems the surgery date is the biggie, because that's when plans are a reality. This is when I can also go to the mandatory all day class and learn everything I can think of to prepare me some more. I will also start drinking from a sippie-cup after this class :)
I will say I think of the surgery all the time. I mention it all the time. I tell everyone I know, I am not embarrassed of it.... everyone has been supportive. I can't wait to start my new life over, as I have always been obese, even when I was a kid. I am going to be turning 30 later this year, so I should have a long life ahead of me. If there is any advice people would love to share, I would greatly welcome and appreciate it!
Hi Michael~
I have BCBS of Mass as I didn't have any problems being approved either. I think its great that you are not embarassed about your surgery Personally I think that if we are embarassed about it, it sends the message that there is something wrong with it. I mean, I understand that some people keep it to themselves for personal reasons, but I was proud of it, not ashamed. I had my surgery 30 days after my 30th bday. I remember thinking that I couldn't spend another 30 days living like this! Best of luck to you!!!

I understand your impatience on getting your surgeryd date scheduled. I remember it very well. It did take about a week for Dr. Evansons offfice to get it all scheduled and they told me at first they were scheduling 3 to 4 months out. So imagine my surprise and delight when they called me and I only had to wait 1 month. I just went for my 4 month post op visit with Dr. e yesterday. He is just the nicest guy, I can't say enough
nice things about him. You'll love him. As soon as you get your date time will just fly by. My BMI was around 52 and I'm about to turn 52. My BMI is now 42 (does that mean I can make my age 42 again?) I've lost 69 pounds since surgery and walk 3-4 miles a day. I feel great. You'll lose much faster than me. You are young and male. Your metabolism will just melt it all away if you stick with the program. Come back here often. This is a good place for support and advice. Another thing you may also want to start now is taking Biotin. Somewhere around 6 wks post op you may experience some hair loss. This is normal. If you start taking the Biotin before surgery and be sure to get in all your protein you should experience less hair loss. CONGRATULATIONS AND GOOD LUCK!