AHHHH the week end
first thing i wanna say is....I LOVE MY LOSERS......and i just love them in my life..not sure how i did before i had them in my life...
I am gonna go out and do some yard work today...sure needs it out there , let me tell ya...gonna find something to grill out so no huge cooking and making of a mess for me...pork chops sound good to me...
last night ed and i went out to eat,..he did not do 1/2 bad eating but then he got sick to his pouch, so i brought him home and went to get my grandbaby and came home and he had ate some tuna salad and peach perserves on ritz's crackers, and then later he had some peach perserves on a short cake...he seems to do great with junk foods and what he should not eat...but give him what he should have and he gets sick...and oh i was only gone about 90 mins when he ate all of this..he has no problems with sugar..
I have just the opposite problem. That is eating period. Since the knee surgery I have trouble eating anything. Nothing seems to make me want to eat. Of course I force as much as I can, but seems like I feeding the 2 oz pouch. A few bites of something and I am no longer hungry. Guess there could be worse problems to have. I think it is a combination of pain pills and pain.
Tell Ed that Dan said HAY