Knee Surgery Update
Well it has been 9 days since my surgery and things are going along pretty good. I am able to tolerate the pain during PT. I have a gal that comes to the house for my PT three times a week and on the other days Nurse Ann takes care of me. I went and had my staples (all 29) 
removed today. Dr Helman was concerned with the swelling in the lower part of my leg and sent me over to St Vincent's on 86th St. to have a dopler done to be sure there were no blood clots forming. Fortunately there were no signs of blood clots jus****er retention, so back on the pee pills.
Linda I can appreciate now what you went thru with your knee replacement. I know it is going to get better, but when.

Yea, Dan it will get better... my friend who is 8 months out of knee surgery is asking h er Dr on Wed.. when she can expect it to get better... The pain is different and thank God it is not as bad as it was BEFORE surgery but foolish us.. we expect surgery to preform miracles and instant results..
Tell Nurse Ann thanks from me to her.. I KNOW how important our helpers are!!