Happy Weekend Beautiful People!
I am so sorry I haven't been on here in a while.....With working full time, running a part time ebay business, helping out every other weekend at the racetrack and then going on vacation...I have been sooooo busy! I am finally coming out of the 3 hour jet lag from our trip to Vegas and feeling somewhat human again. We had a blast! I loved lounging at the pool and it was great seeing so many people we know out there who are seeing me for the first time since surgery. As of this morning I am down 70 pounds. I have been so thrilled with the results. I don't know how the rest of you have done while on vacation but I for one think it was really hard to eat well with my diet requirements away from home. I was so happy to get home and get back into the groove. While on vacation, I found several things that were difficult to digest or just plain hurt going in the pouch. Sadly, I found that dry foods went down well and agreed with me...such as oatmeal rasin cookies, peanut butter crackers, etc. I took my protein drinks and kept to them well. When we got home I got on the scales with the typical Las Vegas prayer to just let me break even...lol I did. I didn't loose but I didn't gain either. It has taken me 5 days home to get back to my routine and start the needle losing again. The first part of this week was the first time I ever experienced the thoughts and feeling of ....Gee maybe it is over for me.....I know I have a long way to go yet but there popped up the old feelings like when you were on a diet and then failed and gave up. I was suprised that I actually felt like that. I like many would like to have lost more by now but I know realistly losing 70 pounds in 3 and a half months is great. I am feeling great and looking so wonderful. We had our picture taken at the Wayne Newton concert and when we got home we compared it to the one we had taken 2 years ago out there and I look like 2 entirely different people! It almost looks like the new picture was the younger one by about 10 years. I had so much fun wearing my new weasle wear clothes! I am finding my favorite thing is my new strapless bra I got from the clothing exchange! I have never in my life found a strapless bra to be so comfortable and do the job correctly. For who ever was my benifactor I am truly grateful. My best friend has been dieting since January and has lost 30 pounds. She sent me 2 huge boxes of Gorgeous clothing! I am wearing her size 20/22 dresses and looking good! That is down from a size 32, 3 1/2 months ago! My favorite WOW moment was getting on the plane in Indy and NOT having to use a seal belt extender....It was tight but...it fit! Yippie!!
I am back on track now and looking forward to being even healthier and happier than I already am! Life is so good and I have been so blessed! Thanks for listening my dear ones! You all have a Fantastic Day!!