Happy Birthday to me....
Good morning everyone! I hope your weekend has started off well. I went and got my hair done yesterday so I'm all ready for the big wedding (Bill's niece) this evening. I gotta trim Bill's beard & mustache this morning so he can look purty too. I'm looking forward to it...except I won't wear my new boat-wide tennis shoes so I know my foot is gonna be screaming by the time we get home. The shoes I'm wearing is wide..but not as wide as the doc wants (or as wide as my foot needs). The tennis shoes does NOT go with my outfit though! Hey..I am a woman, you know? I'm looking forward to the dressing up & going out thing. There's going to be an orchestra (yep, full-blown orchestra, not a band or a 3 pc jobber) so I'm looking forward to some dancing too...even if Bill isn't...
I think Bill is going to find that he will be dancing way more than he wants to. Besides me, his 82 yr old mother already informed him that he WILL be dancing with her. And you know as the only uncle on the bride or groom's side, he really should have a whirl with his niece as well. I'll try to have pics to put on my picture trails tomorrow of the big shin-dig.
Today, I am 45. I remember always being the youngest person in a group of adults. Not so anymore. At least at work or if Bill is with me, I'm not the oldest either. I don't feel bad about hitting that milestone. How can I? I feel better and am in better shape today that I was when I turned 25! Shoot, I'm in better physical condition weight-size than when I was 15. I just didn't have the foot, hemeroid, thyroid, or any other getting older problems back then. I definately feel that I'm not getting older, I'm getting better. IF you're old enough to remember where that line came from, you're of my generation too! LOL!!!
You all have a great day!

happy birthday the wedding and dance the night away..
oh i hear the bar is opened back up....i am sure there are several people i know to happy about this, and oh i was told each person is searched and only 2 people in the bathroom at a time....must be something else, to own that place....
out the door i meijer shopping to do...
Thanks Angie.
Yep, bar is reopened. Better someone else than us though. Heard that your female relative was one of the searchee's as females entered. Also heard there was a cover charge on the weekends. Hmmm...can see BMG charging big-time for that one. I wonder...they got a bathroom monitor??? LOL! And don't they know, it only takes 2 to make a drug deal?!? We tried filling the new owner on a few things and she already knew everything about everything. Some of the employees she hired..that are "absolutely the best in the business" were the people we had the biggest problems with...especially with drugs. Finally, I just said 'good luck with that' and left it up to Bill to get rid of her. I try not to think about that whole deal. It get's my bp elevated! If the owner had done what he was suppose to do with that building instead of us having to pay for it all, we wouldn't have had to get rid of the bar...and we wouldn't have lost the $$ we did from closing it. Oh well, better someone else's headache than ours. No more 2 am calls that there was a fight. Ah...sweet sleep!