I had the a really crazy day yesterday. Im so glad its Friday. I hope this weekend is much better than my week was. I went yesterday to get my hair highlighted and it took the girl over 4 hrs. Then I went outside to a flat tire...btw I had just bought new tires last Sat and they cost me a grand. So now Im driving around on a donut. errr!!!
Hope you all have a great day.

Good morning all, Linda some of the pain might be the weather, I was just thinking yesterday, that I needed to call the knee doctor I have been in pain for two day, I think it is more bursitus but not sure I am suppose to go back to work in one week I hope but of course that will depend on next Friday, I have my CT on my tummy to see if everything is ok still having some problems. Hope everyone has a good day.
Lisa B
Hooray for Friday being here!
I get to go see Dr. Cacucci for my (slightly early) 12 week check up at 830. I can't WAIT for wednesday when I can up the menu again! I miss rice & pasta. My surgery date was March 1, but because of it falling early in the week and the number of days in the months, Wednesday will actually make me 12 weeks out (is that all?) and I get to move on to the next yellowpage, and HOORAY for trying a soda! I wasn't that big of a soda drinker before surgery, but since carbonation has been off limits, there have been days where I feel like i could KILL for a Diet Cherry Vanilla Dr. Pepper! But mostly it will be tangerine diet rite ill have if anything. Except that I know when I get back to Kansas City next week I'm buying $20 worth of Diet Grapefruit Shasta. Best soda ever, no caffine, and unfortunatly, to my knowledge anyway, not available in Indiana. So I make sure I stock up when I go home to KC.
Good Morning Everyone!
I attended my first support group last night at Community South and met some really nice people there. My daughter went with me and was excited to meet Carol, whom I had taped from Fox 50 on a WLS story last week. She really thought the support meeting was fun so I'm really glad I have her support. She said it will be good practice for when she is a nurse.
Everyone have a good day and keep me in your prayers, I should know something next Monday/Tuesday on approval from insurance.
Iknow what you mean about Thursday! It was just awful! I woke up an hour late because the power went out, couldn't find my work pants and realized they were in the dryer where they had been for 3 days. So I was ironing in my underwear! Had to get gas, got to work 15 mins late. Realized I left my wallet in the car so back to the garage I went. Then I dealt with obsessive compulsive and anal retentive people all day!
I got home, cleaned, started to put my packet together, watched Will and Grace and then CRASHED!
Today is slightly better although I wish I were outside!

Thanks Linda, sorry u are having problems with your hip. Hope u feel better soon.
I couldnt call my tire company last night becouse they closed at 7 and I noticed the flat at 8pm. So I called AAA and they put my spare on and when I get up today I'll take it over and get it fixed. I wont be driving on that donut long.
As for those expensive tires. Thats the only kind I could get on my rims. Told my husband before this Lincoln needs tires again I'll sell that darn car. Thats insane to spend that much on tires....
Well Ive had a busy day. Im tired but feeling great at the same time I went to my physical therapy today. I did my workout and then the person after me cancelled so they let me stay. I ended up running on the treadmil for 30 min at 3.5 miles per hr. Thats the longest Ive ever went. Grant it it wasnt on land but it was on the one in the pool. The therapist told me that in the 2 yrs they had the treadmil pool that I have went the longest and the fasted of all patients. That made me feel pretty good. Looking forward to going back on monday.
After therapy went and got my tire fixed so things are going pretty smooth here today. If I just has a housekeeper I'd be one happy camper. Well everyone have a great day.
Teresa if u are out there....speak up. I cant wait to hear how u are doing. Has anyone heard from her?????
have to work tonight so I'll check back in later I hope she checks in