:help:Help I am hurting so much
Ok I had sinus surgery yesterday morning, and was doing ok for most part did have a breathing problem but took inhailer and got through it, alot of coughing though, I had lunch and dinner was still doing ok,then my whole tummy was hurting, felt like everything was backed up all the way to top of chest, can't lie down. I must say I did eat 4 steak frys. I know shame, shame, After thinking about it I thought God I shouldn't done that. Still in major pain at 11:30 so took some gas X, then I thought about it and relized I had not had one boul movement all day. I have been up since 3 AM and still in pain, still no BM, I went many times the day before. I don't think I could be in so much pain just for not going in only one day. Is it because I am constapated or is something else going on. I can't sleep because I can't lie down. I hate to call the doctor because I sure don't want to tell them I ate something I know I shouldn't off. Or is something else wrong, I had been vomiting last week and the week before, but thought it was due to all the medication the GYN had me on for my infection. Dose any have any sujections.Help Me...
Lisa B

From the way you are describing how you're feeling, I would have to say that it's prolly not due to constipation. I actually have always had a "regualr" bowel movement, even right after surgery (regualr as in not loose), but I only have a BM about every 3 days. The pain you are describing sounds a lot to me like how I felt last week when I ate : 2 french fries. I couldn't lay down either, and eventually, the fries came up (just as well I figured). But if you've had trouble with vomiting for awhile, I would suggest calling your suregons office ASAP. No one is perfect, least of all any of us, or we wouldn't have needed surgery in the first place.
Good thing about it- I bet neither of us eats a fry again. I hacked the fries up so hard that I broke blood vessels around and in my eyes, and my left eye still wont stop spasming.
I hope you listened to everyone's advise and called your doctor. Please let us know what he/she said and how you're doing. I wouldn't have thought constipation either. Depending on where the pain is/was it could be so many things...gall bladder, ovary, hernia, perforation...and the list goes on.
Whenever you have unusual pain like that, contact your surgeon ASAP. Pain from your sinus surgery would be expected & normal. Pain in your tummy...not normal. Can't get hold of your surgeon, go to the ER.
I hope you get to feeling better soon! Life is always giving us these extra little road bumps, sucks tho, but it is part of our journeys I guess. Hope you can get ahold of your doctor, that is what they are there for, and they know sometimes we will be tempted to try those darn pesky foods, hope you feel better soon, let us know what you find out! Good luck, Dawn
OMG Girl,
How much more can your poor body take? Sinus surgery, when did that come about? My hubby had it, & no gas or pain in the tummy.
I can't begin to tell you what to do, but I sure hope you have called the Dr. by now!!
Don't be worried what they will say, I am sure you aren't the only person who has "been there, done that".
Yep, we are all human, & make mistakes. Just remember to get back to eating what you need to, & avoid those "trigger foods". Sure hope you feel better quick! Your body needs to rest & recover.