Happy Wednesday!
Good Morning all!
It's wednesday, and according to the 10 forecast on weather.com, we have a whole 2 days coming up without rain. We're leaving for Kansas City a week from today, and it looks much better, and warmer there- 90 on Wednesday! My best friend is getting married, and I'm in the wedding. Sure hope it doesn't rain there, it's an outdoor wedding at 7pm in a rose garden- the mosquitos would be a nightmare!
Hope everyone has a happy hump day!
Good morning everyone!
I have a wedding to go to coming up too. It's here in Indy, but it's on Saturday....on my birthday. How many times do you get to go to shin-dig on your birthday that is catered and has a hired orchestra?? The guests of honor is Bill's only niece. Her mother was joking around & apologized for inviting a 'few' people I don't know to my 'birthday party'. LOL! There's only suppose to be ~250 people at this little get together. I need to try on my outfit before then. I'm also going to take off from work early one day this week (maybe today???) and get my hair done. Just getting it all one color...blonde. Right now I think there's about a dozen colors going from almost black to red to blonde...
The wedding & reception are indoors I think, but hopefully it won't rain anyway.
Well..you all have a terrific day. I think it's time for some cottage cheese.

Good Morning All,
Well it looks like Weddings are in the air. I am going to a wedding Sat but I am going to work. My Sister Caters and does cakes so I am going to help her out there is going to be about 250 at this wedding too. Happy Birthday Sherri !! Nothing like a free party for your day! I hope that the rain stay away for awhile my apt complex is having a community sale Friday and Saturday! If you like sales ya'll need to hit Stop 11 there are two housing additions having sales those days too. Ok I am off to school yipee! I am taking off tomorrow to get ready for the big day, by big day I mean the sale, I wi**** were something like surgery! hehehe
Enjoy the sun!
good morning everyone just woke up at 10 30 AM , since I didn't sleep last night. I haven't called the doctor yet. I drank some juice at 6 AM this morning and took a hot bath , the bath helped I think the pain got better. Still no BM but no presure like all night last night. I am going to watch things the next two days, and make sure I may still call the doctor but going to just wait a little bit first. I will check in I promise, but just want to wait a bit.
I hope you all have a great day and I hope both weddings turn out beautifull. I have to go back to work tonight and that stinks, but if I make it through tonight and tomorrow night then I have the whole weekend off. I have a graduation party to go to Saturday night. I am not going to make it to the graduation becuase Austin just would not sit still and be quiet for that long of a time.
Well...Romance is definatly in the air.....My Stepson's Wedding is June 17th and I am really getting excited! My Hubby's ex is coming from Germany and .......she does not know about my surgery...hee...hee....boy.....she will be sooooo suprised! We really get along well but...it never hurts to really suprise her with the new and improved me!
I got my dress and made sure it is the style that will look good even as I loose more inches. I am really loving the new slimmer me and when I look in the mirror...I remember that woman! LOL You all have a fantastic day!