Just wondering???
I can take or leave the internet. I just thought it would be neat to update ppl as I went along. Also I do all my journaling on my laptop...not on paper.
I went thur the addiction to the internet about 10 yrs ago. Guess Im alot older than u...lol. Ater I met my husband we were so in love and doing things all the time that I gave up the internet without any problem. The only thing I cant give up is food and my soap..lol. Which by the way he wishes I would give up. He hates soaps...lol
Im just having a very bad day today. Very down and this rainy...gloomy day isnt helping me. My husband had to fly to LA yesterday and wont be home till Wed. All Ive wanted to do all day is eat. All my family is in other states. I cant wait till I have this surgery and my tastes change. Im hoping I hate food after this surgery. Then I'll just spend all my time at the mall buying sexy clothes when my husband is out of town...lol
Call me depressed ....errrrrrrrrrr
Hey Mariah! good question, but if your like me and most others I've talked to, you won't be wanting to do anything but relax, sleep, and walk walk walk. Good Luck to ya, though! The first few days are a bit rough, but after that it's so much better than before. It's so nice having clothes be too big, have to go shopping for something else, etc. Plus just the amazement at how much better you feel and how food doesn't rule your life. Get your rear end on here anytime you need a pick me up. I don't post a lot, but reading about others has kept me sane and given me hope and inspiration!
Thanks Mel, Ive check in here several times this afternoon just werent that many new posts on here to read. I guess all those loser actually have lives on Sat night. I hate having the weekend off when I dont have anything to do. I prefer my days off during the week. I prefer to get out in public when the stores arent packed like they are on the weekends.
I finally called my husband, just got off the phone with him. I called him crying about how lonely I was with him gone. He told me to plan my meals for the week and try to stay on my program. That just becouse I messed up today that I should not to give up. Hes supportive most of the time but tonight he just seemed to be supportive and preachy a bit too. Guess he figures I should grow up and not be so pathetic(sp).
Feeling like a big baby now
Big hugs..
I hope today, things look brighter. I remember how lonely I was when I was with my ex and he was gone in the Marines. Who says only he 'served' the military??? I had an 18 month old and VERY pregnant with our son (who I delivered without my hubby present). This time will pass, and down the road when you look back, it will have seemed to have flown by. I think encouraging you to stay on your plan and plan next weeks meals was probably his way of being supportive. There's just not alot long distance that he can say or do to help the situation. I know it must be hard on him as well...and frustrating for your wife to be lonely and because of responsabilities, not a damn thing he can do about it. Take it easy on him.
And take it easy on yourself. You're pre-op. You know, if you could have stuck to any kind of plan forever, regardless of stress levels, etc, you wouldn't have needed the surgery. So you had a bad day?!?! Get back on track, and you'll be fine. Remember that post-op too. None of the post-ops are perfect at staying on board 24/7. If they say they are, they probably aren't being honest with themselves. If everyone were, do you think anyone would know about 'dumping'? I think not. So cheer up sweetie. You are human just like the rest of us!
As to your laptop...bring a few magazines instead. You will either be snoozing, walking, breathing (with that darn tube thing), sipping, or eating. I had my surgery on Friday afternoon and was discharged Saturday afternoon. I'm an internet junkie (hence all my many posts here...lol) but even I survived that long without posting. Do you have an angel? If not, get one through here (there's a link on your profile to name your angel). That person can see how you did through surgery and post a note in here letting us all know how you fared through your surgery.
Oh...last night, my 'post-op got-a life' thing...I spen****ching the comedy channel with my hubby...who was snoozing in his chair! LOL! At least the comedian was funny.
Thanks Sherri,
My meltdown is over. I went to bed about 10:30 last night and was up by 6am. I had a much better day today. Im looking forward to going back to work tonight. I do so much better when I have something to do everyday.
I already got my shower and Im ready to go...3 hrs before Im supposed to be there.
That doesnt happen to often.
Now trying to decide what Im doing about dinner and then I'll watch the desprate housewives.
I dont have an angel yet
!!! Any volunteers?