18month documentation, doctor documentation ??
Hey all-
Those of you who are going through the 18month doctor supervised weight program can you tell me exactly what documentation we are supposed to keep. Does anyone have an example of what they kept and what the insurance company excepted? I want to make sure that my doctor visits have the correct documentation. My insurance company doesn't give me specifics...
Thanks for your help!!

I had supplied my insurance with 2-3 months of a personal diet/exercise journal (done in Excel). My physician included his physician notes. That was fine with Anthem. MPlan however refused the physician notes because they didn't like his note-keeping skills. I had been on my physician supervised diet at that time 2.5 years...they want me to start from scratch...with the SAME doctor...??? I switched insurance companies instead. Your PCP should know what notes he/she needs to keep. Usually, weight, BP, description of dietary plan, and notes that diet was discussed at your office visits. I'm not sure of the frequency those visits should be. Mine ranged from 3-8 weeks..because I had to go in for one co-morbidity or another then.
I think it's July 1st that the Indiana law comes into effect that insurance companies will be allowed to only require 6 months instead of 18 months.
It will be changing to 6 months (as others have said) so don't stress about it being another 18 months before you can try for an approval.
Anyway...I had to do 8 months for my insurance and I went in every month, got weighed, discussed my food and such with my doctor...we tried a few medications, I met with a dietician (who was TERRIBLE), talked about how much I was exercising and that was about it. That was enough for medicaid and they are pretty anal.