Wondering if you are interested in helping me?
I have been asked to be a team captain for the Fishers Relay for Life on June 3 and 4. I will be walking to raise money and awareness for Cancer Research. If anyone is interested in helping me in any way, please let me know. I have never done anything like this before and am excited to be a team captain. I can use any ideas or any help I can get!

How far of walking?
How fast of walking?
Does each walker need to come up with sponsors?
Don't know that I'll be able to or not. Would LOVE to, but foot may not allow it. We'll have to wait and see. But...these are a few things that came to me that I would have to consider.....
ps...I think you're gonna make a great Captain!
The walking is broken down by time. You can walk for any amount of time that you want. It is around a track so there won't be any obstacles or hazzards that might cause trouble. (which is why I am doing it) It can be at your own pace. It isn't a race really, it is just walking. There will be a lot of contests and such going on during the walk itself. Each walker comes up with as many sponsors as they want. It costs $10 to register and then anything you raise after that is totally up to you. They are selling luminary bags for $10 each. On my team, every person that raises $100 gets a t-shirt. There are other prizes that go up the more we raise. If you can't walk, it is totally ok. I would even be totally excited with just having people get the luminary bags and come root me on while I walk.
It is at Hamilton Southeastern High School. So let me know!