New Whey & Isopure Drinks
I was wondering if anyone has tried these and are they good? They come in Fruit Punch and Blue Raspberry. They look like little test tubes and have about 25 grams of protein in them. Also wondering if anyone likes the Isopure drinks? The flavors look yummy but just trying to get prepared. I am also aware that tastes change after surgery and if I like something now I may not after surgery. I have tried the chocolate milk flavored Muscle Milk from GNC and it's not too bad.
i like the isopure drinks, blue raspberry, Orange, pinnapple orange, grape, I didn't really like the fruit punch, They are ok but it takes about 2 months for them to grow on you.. To be honest I don't think anything tastes good except mashed potato for almost 2 months.
I don't really care for the powder isopure stuff though, to chalky.. Oh make sure when you get the bottels check them make sure you don't see the stuff flotting, the flotting stuff is the protien and it like dosn't take good it leave a slimmy taste in mouth. And is like really gross....
Good Luck

I like the Isopure Orange and Pineapple, that is about all. I haven't tried anything that comes in the tubes yet. I have been using the Whey protein powders from GNC, Banana Cream is wonderful, the Strawberry not bad, the chocolate I have a hard time with, until I started mixing my protein powders in smoothies, I also crush my chewable vitamins up and put into my smoothies that way I do not have to taste them.
I have to give Thanks to Dan for the recipes from the smotthies Book.
Amongst all these raving reviews, I'm gonna be the sour grape. I couldn't stand any of the Isopure products. I ended up pouring mine down the sink. I know GNC will refund your money, but it wasn't worth it to me to battle the mall. I now order my protein drinks through
Regina & all other pre-ops....
Honestly, I wouldn't recomend anyone stocking up on protein drinks pre-op. Taste buds change so drastically. The sense of like/dislike is so varried. I wouldn't recomend your overly stocking up on anything at all. Through St. V's, they like for you to start off on their protein recipe and they give you a choice of things that might do well as flavoring in it. I sure would have never dreamed pre-op that the best flavoring in a milk-based protein drink for me was either lemon or lime flavored sf jello!?!?! Post-op, since that was going down well, I bought a couple of huge boxes of powdered milk and about 50 boxes of jello, and a couple of dozen cans of soup. My dad had his RNY 5 months after me. You guessed it. He got one heck of a started box of supplies from me. The welcome baskets that newbies are given through the Hoosier Loosiers here on OH got a ton of Crystal Light donated from me because my silly taste buds changed, changed, then changed again.
No matter which hospital you are through, pre-op, get enough protein drink/drink make-up to last 1-2 weeks. If you have a choice, get a variety. During those first days, taste your choices, then when you are getting around a little more, get yourself a little bit more of the ones that went down the best. Anything that you don't like..and don't want to or can't return, feel free to donate the rest for the baskets (drop Linda or Deb a note). After I had my revision, friends brought bags of powedered cream of broccoli & cream of potato soup by the hospital. Yep, they got donated too. After my revision, I just couldn't handle the taste of either one.
If you just have the mad desire to stock up...stock up on your vitamins. Stock up on 1 and 2 oz disposable cups/lids (Cash & Carry on New York has them). Other than that, just get the smallest quantity you can.
St. V's post-ops take the following (and I would suspect that most post-op's take about the same thing):
3 children's chewable vitamins with iron daily
3 calcium chewables: you're usually started off on Viactiv. I get the Calcium citrate chewables at Kroger's Daily
1 B1 per week
1 B12 Sublingual once or twice per week
I would also recommend:
Biotin (for hair growth...start ASAP)
Keep on hand:
Fiber chewables
liquid NyQuil/DayQuil
I buy these items whenever I have a coupon for them or can find them on sale. I know I need to take them the rest of my life, so no running out of them for this gal! You don't want to get so over-stocked that they last beyond their expiration date either so just be aware of that.
The Cash & Carry:
From I-65, get off at Market Street Exit, turn left. At College, turn Right. At New York, turn right. It's on the left side of the road after you go under the interstate and before the railroad tracks.
To get back onto I-65N: when leaving Cash & Carry, turn left onto New York (one way going left). At the first light, turn left. At the next one way going left, turn left. That's Michigan. Get in the right lane. There will be signs to help you get on the right entrance ramp.
The address is 914 E. New York if you want to mapQuest it.
Hope this helps...