Well folks tomorrow ...
Well folks tomorrow is the day of my knee replacement surgery and I am more nervous over this one then I was with WLS. I will be in the hospital until at least Saturday. Hopefully I will not have to severe withdrawal pains from being away from my computer.
I ask for your prayers that every thing goes as planned and without complication. Also, pray that I can make it through the rehab with a minimum amount of pain. I looking forward to getting into exercise when everything heals up.
You will love your new knee... I love mine... Yep.. rehab sucks but then what do they say no pain no gain... then I could be a baby and it go all and wonderful for you.. everyone is different.
I just know that the after pain is NOTHING like the before pain... THANK GOD!!!
Since you will be going to St Vs you probably wont have the trouble I did getting them to understand bariatric eatting... I just could not convince the dietiton I was eatting enough!!
if it is like community south for every lunch and dinner it is the same thing day after day....pitiful....i know ed was long term there and most are in and out....but sure am glad it was not me....cos they had best to bring me a normal tray and i will eat what i want off of it..thank you very much....
Good Luck to you tomorrow, I will be thinking of you! As with the wls I am sure it will be all worth it afterwards, heck at the next dinner and dancing you just may be
with all of us, poor Ann she will be a new dancing Queen, lol! Anyway, we all will be praying and thinking of you, you are a wonderful person, and deserve the best.
Keep up the great journey, Dawn

Dan hope everything will been a comfortable as possible, I hope you luck with the food issue, I still didn't get what I should of had and what I ordered at St. V's in Frankfort, They sent me most of what I was not to have. But maybe they really didn't understand. Thanks for the package in the mail it helps alot. But like I said to Ann please make sure on taking that med cause I really think you are to have it.
Thanks again , I will say a prayer for you a hint take pain meds about half and hour before PT.
Lisa B