Happy Tuesday All!
Morning Everyone! I have been so busy these past few days I have not taken the time to get on here! Just wanted to pop in and wish you all a fantastic day! I am up at the is awful hour doing my last minute packing for vacation. We fly out to Vegas after work tonight for 6 days. I am so ready for vacation!
It was so hard deciding what wonderful outfits to wear! I have so many new "Weasle Wear" Clothes! I am really loving this new figure!! It is in the upper 90's there now so I am breaking out all the hot clothes! I am down 69 pounds in these first 3 months and am so pleased that if I never lost another pound I would still be thrilled. I am now getting into some of my 18/20 tops and my best friend sent me a huge box of dresses in size 20/22 and they all fit! That is down from a size 32 so I am sooooo Happy! Life is so good and I am so blessed. You all be good while I am gone and if you see this tall happy blonde on the news from Vegas....well...what happens in Vegas stays Vegas!! Hee Hee.....Personally I think that phrase refurs to your money...lol I am not a gambler but I do so love to sit on the balcony and read and lounge by the pool. My goal is to just work on getting my fluids in and try to learn to eat out on our limited program. Have a Fantastic Week Everyone!

I am just waiting for my first day off and ed working.........LMAO been so long since i have had a day off....and been able to do what i want...I went to the goodwill yesterday and just cleaned up with the goodies, 69.00 at the goodwill...now i add ed in on my shopping....and that takes time having to look at womens and mens clothes ya know...he knows this is suppose to be ALL ABOUT ME...and he is wiggling his way into my ALL ABOUT ME....lol....he is trying to make it ALL ABOUT HIM...
you have a great time and enjoy yourself.....and get a head start on a tan....i hate to sweat so i do not tan....i am opaque white my daughter tells me...lol...and i am fine with that....plus i also do not care for the water...but girl i bet you are gonna wanna do a whole lot more than sit at the pool....
Good Morning Indiana,
Hope everyone has a Great day today,
Marianne, have a blast on your vacation, I am sure you will have a great time, the new clothes are awesome, enjoy yourself, and think of the new memories and wow moments you will be making!!!
Sherri and Lesa, I hope the two of you get in contact with each other, Sherri I am so sorry, I am really bummed about this mishap but I know there will be others, Lesa I hope it will work out for you to take my place and that you can enjoy yourself!!!
I have been" Lurking" as Angie lets me know from time to time, well I have been in LOTS of pain with the sviatic nerve pain in my leg, I am finally going in today for an injection procedure under meds and xrays this afternoon, only after taking prednizonefor a month with not much results other than ONLY losing 1.8 lbs in 3 weeks-OUCH_ yes my bariatrics team wasn't totally on board with the steroids but I had to take them anyway according to my PCP, hopefully I won't have to anymore and this procedure will work, however I am still skeptical. Keep me in your thoughts today, hopefully I can get back to work and exercising, because right now it BURNS like crazy to just sit or barely have anything touching me, let alone up and walkind or exercing!!! Enough about POOR me- have a great day all, I will be checking in later after I get home, won't have anything else to do besides put my LOOPY feeling self to bedhaha, so till later INDY, Dawn
Marianne, blessings to you and praying you have a safe and very, very restful, fun vacation in Vegas. Enjoy this trip in your new body.
Dawn, will keep you in my t houghts and prayers today for a successful procedure. I've had that sciatic nerve pain and it is BAD!!!!
Angie, I know what you mean about not having any me time anymore. My husband retired and I haven't had a minute to myself in over a year and I miss it. I love having him around, but an hour or too just by myself would be great too.
Have a wonderful vacation and enjoy!!!!
Sorry to hear about pain I hope you get to feeling better after your procedure.
I am a little sore from last night I planted 124 pansies in 2 big flower beds 2 small ones and 2 rings around trees. My son of course didn't really have too much fun with it but oh well....
. I have some other plants I need to plant tonight too, I am hoping I get them in before the rain gets here. But I must say the flower beds look so pretty with color now and I can't wait to see all my day lillies bloom there is such a varaity of color with those too. But I am getting a work out that is needed kinda like that little extra push before.

Hey all!
It's been a really busy day!
Have fun Marianne! We'll be heading that way again the end of June. I can't wait! Bring on the HEAT!
Dawn....Just take care of yourself sweetie. Leesa is more than welcome to buddy-up with Tammy, Kim, & I. (Leesa...yes, there's plenty of room in my Durango).
There's been so much happening on here the past few days! Congrats to all the approvals!! Woo-hoo!! Positive thoughts to those who are sending in their stuff!! Prayers for the surgeries & procedures coming up (Dan & Dawn), and sympathy for those who were denied (Stick with it!! It's a battle well worth fighting!).
I better get back at it. You all have a fantastic day!
Have a great time Marianne!! I would love to be laying in the sun right about now! I too am very pale but the sun brings out my freckles which I really like because I can wear less make up!
This week at work is all about training! I had a 3 hour training this afternoon and off site training Thursday and Friday! Oh well it gets me out of the office for a bit.
I ordered a bunch of protein shake samplers to try so those should be coming in the mail. Calling Dr.'s tomorrow about records etc. Hoping to have everything together for the insurance company by the time Dr. Caccuci and Dr. Stote's letters arrive!!
Everyone have a fabulous day!!
This is so me! Round, always in pink, and bouncing around!!