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Does anyone know where the seminars are ? I heard Memorial Hospital. Thanks
There is a real debate on OH about Flintstones versus non Flintstones and the quality of vitamin. I know that St. Vincent's recommends flintstones so I have always used them. Never had bad numbers and I am 2 1/2 years out. I had to up my folic acid at times but that was when I was trying to conceive.
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Dr. Piatek is a weight loss MD in Indy, Westside.
I just called Dr. Kozarek's office. He won't prescribe it any more. I'd like to find someone in the Bloomington area too...
To answer your question - the protein guidelines have *not* changed. In fact the recommendations for several vites have actually *increased*!
Make sure you have your questions written down so you don't forget to ask anything.
You'll see her a couple of times pre-op, but after that, few and far between unless there is a major problem.
You'll have a PA (physician's assistant) or nurse practitioner for follow ups post-op.
Well I have given up having the surgery close to home. . Why it would be so expensive here I have no clue. When I mention a price for self pay they sound like I have lost my mind. I can get the surgery for less than half the cost in several other states... I guess only insurance people have a good experience!!
Anyone else have to go out of state? What did you do for followup and support groups? Any advice on this would be helpful.
I have insurance but liked IU Health very much. Dr Mattar was my surgeon. A free seminar is coming up soon.
You must have insurance, no? Because I can't figure out how this could be a good experience. THey have no information on self pay and no one answers the phone about it!!