Nice to be back in the loop again......
Hello Indiana people!
Boy has this web site changed since I used to be on it all the time in 2002! I am very happy with the new updates.
For all of you who are hoping for surgery..."Good Luck!" And for those who got the "denials", keep your head up. Something may come up. Our school nurse got involved with the local hospitals new diet program and she is doing great! Of course I don't know if I could have done it.
For those of you who are post-op congratualtions! I did not know how much I have missed everyones excitement of weigth loss. This could be the support that I desperatly need!
I do need to go now, I am so looking forward to stopping by and reading post once again.
Kathy 4/22/02
Stick around.....join in and we have some fun....that we do...
I get about as excited as the ones who are approved, and i feel the pain of the ones that are not....and even worse all the exclusions now as well.....needs to be a way around that....How ignorant on anyones part for their to be that exclusion, when, the cost of staying obese is so high for insurance....dumb butts they are...
I am off 3 or 4 asthma, allergy meds, pain meds, diebetic meds. meds to help me not wet myself...those are what i can recall off hand....traded those in for multi vitamins, flax seed, b-12, calcium, and a couple of other meds of that sort...