Good News
Bonnie I got mine as well. However I called earlier today to see when they were sending them out. They told me the psych and nutrition evaluation were not completed yet so I have to wait until they send those out to me. I am a little bummed about that, but at least I am further than what I was. Did you get all your info??
Sherry I have Dr Cacucci as well and the office had me come in for an appt with her and one with the psych man but Ive never been told to see a nutritionist yet. Is that something I should be doing or something you had to do special? Im waiting on my papers to send to my insurance as well. Hoping they come soon as my business is being bought out and my insurance is running out the last day of June. So I need to get this ASAP. Thanks for any help u can give me on this subject. Anyone else who may know something about when u have your first apt with a nutritionist please let me know?
Yes as far as I can tell I got all my info I need. The psych evaluation was inclosed with mine. Surprising he said I didn't need any other treatment recommedations. He was too weird for me....
Do you know or anyone else know if I need to send all the papers the Dr's office sent to me to the insurance company or just the letter and the diet history, I guess sending them all the papers is better than not sending them at all.