Couple of items you might want to try, I am going to
Baked Pears 4 servings
Peel, cut each in ahlf and remove core from
4 firm perars
Pleace core side up on a lightly oiled baking dish. Mix:
1 tsp.vannilla
1/4 cup barley malt
Put a spoonful in center of each pear. Sprinkle with:
1tsp. ground ginger
1/4 tsp. nutmeg
Poor into pan:
1/2 cup apple or pear juice
Bake pears at 350 for 20 to 30 minutes, until tender. Take your amount you can have you can spoon the pan juices over them.
Cabbage-Pineapple Slaw makes1 quart
Mix in a bowl:
4 cups cabbage, shredded
1 large carrot, grated
1 small can (8oz) unsweetedned pineapple tidbits with juice
2 Tbsp. cinder vinegar
These sound like something I would like might help the sweet craving I have been having.
Lisa B
There's some things that just doesn't sound good at all...but for me, because of the hypoglycemia, they are usually things I shouldn't have anyway...pasta & rice mainly. Other things SOUNDS good, but once I smell them or taste them, it's, I'll pass, thanks anyway. It's like my throat goes through a lock-down. When that happens, it doesn't matter what the taste buds think, it ain't happening.
The pears sound good. I think I'll try them with the peeling on though since the peels is what offers fiber (and my body can be very fiber deprived!). I'm gonna pass on the cabbage & carrots. Don't know what it is but it doesn't matter how much I chew a raw carrot, it's not gonna stay where it's suppose to.
love new recipes!!
Thanks for the phone call yesterday, we sure enjoyed talking to you.
I love cole slaw with pineapple, except I to leave the carrots out since I can not chew them up. When we lived in El Paso, TX we use to eat out at this steak house that served cole slaw with pineapple and it has been a favorite of mine every since. Another thing I got use to is horseradish with apples chopped up real fine in it. That was a favorite when we lived in Germany. Of course you have to like horseradish to start with.
We just got home from the Easter Egg Hunt down in Alexandria at Bill and Gloria Gaither's place. The grand kids had a ball and so did I picking out CD's and DVD's. I ended up dropping two hundred dollars and Ann about had a kitten. I told her I use to spend that much on Easter Candy, so this was my Easter Candy this year. I will get many hours of enjoyment of them, since I am a Southern Gospel junkie.
Will catch you later.