Shoulders & Elbows
Cynthia-You're looking great. I know how you feel. I'm seeing my neck for the first time in 20 years and starting to see shoulders emerge. Hey we are almost neighbors! I live west of Waterloo on 6. Drop me a line some time. If you are interested in going to support group in Ft.Wayne, maybe we can car pool.
The funniest thing I could remember was going to the doctors after I lost all of my weight complaining about my hips and how sitting for long periods hurt. She told me that I had lost all of the fat off my behind so there wasn't any padding left!!! Now there is something I never thought I would hear!!!!
I had a TT 7 weeks ago and now when I lay down my hip bones stick WAY up!!! Who would have ever thought!!!!!
Ahhhhhh, the body parts we never knew about before!!
The TT wasn't too bad. I was in surgery for 4 1/2 hours. They did an "anchor" cut, which was hip to hip and then she tightened up the abdominal scar that I had from gallbladder surgery 26 years ago. So, that's where the "anchor" incision comes in!!!
I had my surgery on February 2nd and came in 1/2 days one week later. Obviously there was no lifting for 6 weeks or any kind of exercise, except for walking. I don't have any stitches "per se". The stitches are all internal and the only ones you could see were on the very ends by my hips where they had to tie them off. My tummy is very tight. There is still a little tenderness internally, like when I stretch, just because of the muscles and all being cut and sewn back together. See if this link will work. This is how the incision looked one week out. I need to get a few more pictures taken now that I'm about 8 weeks's not nearly as bad!!¤t=Slide1.jpg
If you have any other questions, let me know. Where are you going to have your TT done???