Spent 8 hours in ER lastnight...
What a horrible waiting time. I have had this terrible burning/ripping pain in my lower right side of my stomach since surgery. It started to feel better last week, but started to get worse again over the weekend. Yesterday is got so bad that my side also started to hurt. The weird part is part of my stomach had this numb sensation aroung the incision. My blood pressure was 164/90.
They ran tests and said that everything was fine, and that I just have incisional inflammation.
I can't take this, it hurts to walk or move, I'm miserable. I just want to feel better, to be able to get around more and do things for myself without relying on anyone.
I think I jumped the gun a little bit when I said that at 3 weeks out you should have minimal pain. I really was referring to those who have had lap and myself in particular. I had lap rny and didn't need any pain meds the day after surgery. But I everyone is different and especially those who had "open" surgery. That is a whole other ball game. But if you did have lap and are still having that much pain, I would contact your surgeon. I just don't like to be in pain, so their phone would be ringing off the hoo****il they did something to fix it! Again, I apologize if I offended anyone, certainly wasn't my intention. Hope you get well soon, and I have been praying for you!
Honey, chill, I dont think you said anything offensive... you gave your opinion based on your experience. There was absolutely nothing wrong with that.
I agree... if it was lap and she was hurting that bad her surgeon was the one to call... even if it was open and she was hurting bad enough to go to ER the surgeon needs to know..
Some Drs just dont get it... I have to keep reminding my Knee Surgeon and my PCP that some pills just dont dissolve and wont do me any good... I was taking almost a pain pill per hour for the knee surgery until I convinced the dude I needed my liquid loratab... as nasty as it tastes it is still the one that does the job for us.
You should see your surgeon asap, My daughter had twisted bowel, the pain was unbearable, she let it go on for a few days had a ct scan and labs nothing showed, (per her pcp) Her surgeon said many times a twisted bowel or an internal hernia wont show up on ct scans. She had lap for her rny and the surgeon Dr. Gupta (st. V) in Carmel, scheduled a exploritory (lap) and sure enough it was an internal hernia, (differant from an abdominal hernia and only took 10 min to fix. and the pain was gone. Most ER doctors arnt familiar with us RNY pts, so be sure and see your surgeon ASAP, dont seconed guess anything. God luck and enjoy the ride !!! Rosemary
Go ahead and give Janet a call. I think Dr. Mandelbaum is out of town at the moment but someone should be filling in for him. I'm 15 days post op and I had Dr. Mandelbaum for a lap RNY and I have minimul pain. Mine is mostly in my right side insision right next to the drain tube sight. I think that is where they made a really large gap in my abdominal wall muscle. Wearing my binder when I walk or ride in the car helps, too.
Hi ,
I too ,had horrible pain at 3 weeks out. Dr. Inman gave me steroid shots in the area of my incision,(2 times) & boy, did it help.Also, I was put back on liquid Loratab. She explained that my pain was from the nerves repairing. I'd call your Dr. & see what they say, for sure!! Don't try to wait it out. You deserve to feel better, & I am praying you do, soon~!!!!