Hi Everyone!
I haven't been online in awhile so I just wanted to say hi. I went to Tempe, AZ for work, it was so nice!! I was really nervous to fly... last time I flew I was over 350 pounds and needed a seat belt extender. I had absolutely no problems this time. YIPEE! And I walked up a little "mountain" with some co-workers after work one day. I was the heaviest one in the group but I have to say that I was probably in the best shape. I guess all of that exercise really is paying off. I had an unbelievable amount of energy; its like I have a new zest for life or somthing. Probably just the warm weather and the sun. Gosh I didn't realize how much I missed the sun!!
Although my journey has been challenging, I must say that I have no regrets. I'll be 6 months out at the end of the month. My honey and I just booked a trip to Vegas for mid April. I cant wait. I'm unstopable now!
Hope everyone is doing well!