holy cow i got a call from ed to come home right away and i did...holy crap, blood every where dried up on him, he had passed out, he had it coming out both ends......OOOH what a nervous wreck i was he was white as a ghost...long story short i called 911 ...he ended up with 4 units of blood and 9 units of plasma, a scope that showed an ulcer so that got was where he was hooked up to his pouch....been there all day ...well from about 1 till 1030 ish...
oooh my gosh, i had never seen so much blood and then to beat it all he is on that blood thinner, and i have blood in the bedroom, hall way, bath room, living room..blood clots, ahhhhhhhhhhhhh so bleach water is my friend today and i had to do alot of it last night...gonna have to go to the laundry mat, get the carpet cleaner out, threw things away....
Thank God he is gonna be ok, and what have you and the dr that did the scope is one awesome dr.....he said before he did the scope this is what it was gonna be...and it was....the ulcer is where he was hooked back up to his pouch, no pain at all with this ulcer....blood in his stools was his sign.....which he would tell me it was like a woman giving birth so i was only thinking he had such HUGE stools and why any blood....soooo watch out for bloody stools and tarry dark stools...he had 4 units of blood and 9 units of plasma and vit k to help thicken his blood, cos,his blood thinners had thinned out the blood soooooo thin due to it working on less blood than he normally had..the er dr said there was no time to even find out what blood type he was, he was in shock and he had to have O neg right now...his blood pressure was rising as i left, he is off the oxgyen, about 90% better when i left last night, he was white as a ghost, no color in him at all...
Oh you poor thing!!! And poor Ed!!!! That's where I had my ulcer too...very painful and I was so glad it didn't start bleeding!!! To everyone out there who has back pain that feels like kidney stones....don't delay calling your surgeon...ulcers are deadly and no laughing matter!! And as with ANY abdominal surgery where a new connection is is a big issue until that connection is fully healed (12-18 months out).
Prayers going out for Mr Ed and for you too Miss Angie
Is Ed still in the hospital? You take care and make sure you get some rest!!!!