Good morning it's FRIDAY
Good morning everyone, I am up early today so I thought I would get in and POST, and tell everyone I am doing better, things are working out right now for my son, he is doing better. Oh and as far as my weight loss I am doing better. I know that my BMI wasn't real high to start out with and they say that is why I haven't lost majorly. As of last week I had lost 32 pounds, but as of today I lost 39 pounds. I started back on the Lexapro, I can't stay on it long because I have a adverse reaction to it and I can't sleep but I just wanted to try cause I was wanting to eat all the time in the eveing and I knew it had to stop so I also went back to the basic's I have been eating alot of yogort , cottage cheese, and refried beans, trying to stay away from proten bars right now. I am still getting my proten becasue I drink 2 of the 40 grams of Isopure drinks. I think the Lexapro makes me go pee more too unless it is something else differnt I am doing. I am going to try this for 2 weeks. But oh my gosh were my streach marks were on my breast they look really bad now that they are all sunk in. Well talk to you all later.
Lisa B
39 pounds it nothing to sneeze at, toot that horn....i drink so much i pee alot but still no where near where what i once did...i can go for some time and not have to go but when i go i goooooo...i can sleep all night...and not have to get up so i think that is sure a great thing,when i wake up i know i slept and can feel it...
Congrats on the loss
Glad everything is getting better at home
Yippeeeeeeee it's Friday!!!!!!!! Courrney must be off today and still in bed
Linda, hope you are home and well...will have to call ya today
Taking the kids to the movies tonight & bowling tomorrow. Valentine's Day is just around the corner...there to remind me that I won't be getting roses sent to me at work

Lisa, glad to read your post today. I am so glad that things are working out for your son. God does answer prayers. Also a big WOW on you weight loss. You are coming right along. You will be where you want to be real soon. Sometimes I get discouraged when I think about how much more I need to loose. I am down below the 370 mark this week which means 80 lbs loss, but still almost 200 to go.
Have a good weekend.
Good Morning All You Beautiful Goddesses and Handsome Gents!!
TGIF!! Today is my one week new birthday!
I think I am doing good. Still feeling like a whipped pup kinda light and weak but the pain is so much better and my new tummy and I are starting to bond well. My hubby weighed me on Monday just to keep track of a range of loss. Our scales aren't correct with the Dr. at my current weight but the needle keeps good track of actual pounds lost. We decided I should weigh each Friday and see how I am doing. As of this moring......drum roll please.......I am down 15 pounds! I was really shocked! I don't see Dr till March 8th but at least this will give me a good idea how I am doing. It feels really good to be a LOSER!!
I hope you all have a most fantastic day!

Woohoooooo Marianne
Size 12 here you come!!!!!!!
Went to Sears today...bought a $60 dress (size 8) for $4.99, a $60 jacket (size 12...only one close to my size) for $9.99, $44 size 12 jeans for $4.99......Then I went to FashionBug and bought 2 new pair of jeans (size 10), 2 new tops, 1 pair of dress pants and a winter coat on clearance from $69 to $15
I spent $87 at FashionBug....Oh...I also bought a sweat suit at the Bug. A lot of clothes for the $125 I spent. Got a new pair of leather clogs at Sears too...marked down from $44 to $12
It is just wrong when you are shopping and the only things left on the clearance racks are size 3 or size 14....none of which fit