Happy Thursday!!!
Good morning everyone!
First...baby update:
Tiffany had a doctor's appointment yesterday evening. The baby must have been excited because his heart rate was elevated. The doctor sent Tiff to the hospital to have the heart rate monitored for awhile. By then, little RJ had calmed down and his heart rate stayed normal that entire time so they sent Tiff home. If it had stayed elevated for 2 hours of being monitored, they would have induced labor. Since it didn't, if Tiffany doesn't go into labor today or tomorrow, they are inducing at 8 AM on Saturday. She has started to dilate at least. As much as Tiff is wanting to get this overwith, she was relieved that they didn't induce last night because she had been up since early in the morning and was worn out. Full moon is suppose to be a great day to have babies but the next one isn't until Monday. I don't think RJ will wait that long after being induced Saturday....I would hope the hospital wouldn't let him anyway.
Will let you know more as I know it....
I got about 3.5 miles in yesterday. I started off my day with some 'aerobic' exercise
(thank you dh!)
Hope you all have a great day. I got back to where I needed to be with my instrumentation yesterday but I can't get a sample in until 1 this afternoon. Gonna make it a LONG morning!
have fun today!!
ps...My mother-in-law hated my new do. Looked at me and said 'what in the world happened to your hair???' She keeps recommending her beautician but I really don't want someone who is use to doing little ole ladies, you know? Besides, it really doesn't look bad. People at work has complimented it anyway.

Morning All!
I put off getting up as long as I could today....I find myself dreading getting up and starting the sipping all over again. I know it will get better but I really struggle with it. I made myself get up and get in 12 oz of my protein supplement first thing and all my pills.....now I am ready to eat. My pain is feeling better but I still feel really puny and kinda faint.....I am looking forward to getting my energy back and feeling more normal. I have been kinda weepy but I think that could be harmonal due to my overdue period too.....I sure do not like this transition stage! But I am glad the bloating seems better and Angie's wonder fish oil capsules seem to keep me regular and I have gone to that bathroom easliy each morning. Thank you Angie for the info
I look forward to when I can say like the rest of you that I would do this all over again. For those of you who had the lap RNY, How long did you continue to wear the binder? Well All I am off of here to have my cottage cheese and my cheese stick for breakfast. You all have a terrific day!

Good Morning All!
Keep up the good work it WILL get better. I had lap RNY and wore my binder until I left the hospital which was 6 days out. They took out my drain on the day I left the hospital. If your drain is still in you probably should continue to wear it until they take it out. Don't want to get that caught on anything. Just take it easy and rest as much as you can, it's what your body needs right now. Don't forget to try and get some walking in though. Walking, sipping, napping - sure keeps your day full doesn't it. I'm 7 weeks out today and I'm just now getting to the "I'm glad I had this done" phase. The first few weeks were not fun, and the emotional part was the worst. I caught myself watching the Food Network constantly. It's a huge mind game! But I have lost about 40 pounds now and it's starting to be so worth it. Put on a pair of jeans over the weekend that used to be snug. My daughter said "MOM! No way can u wear those they are hanging on you!" I pulled them off without unbuttoning them! It was a great feeling. Have a good weekend. Today is my Friday, I work 4 day work weeks. Sorry Courtney!
Julie, Thank you so much for your reply! It made me feel so much more normal.
I tried the Isopure protein drink mixed with a little fruit juice and got quite a bit down today so I am feeling better. I haven't checked out the food channel...
but I have to admit I have dreams every night about food! First I dreamt that Jon went and bought all these groceries and everyone was dropping in to feast.....and here I was couldn't eat a thing! I even woke up mad at him the next morning!!
Then there is the dream where I am in a buffet line and see just a little bit of something left that I really want, and everybody keeps pushing me....finally I get it on my plate and realize...I can't eat it any way so ....I put my plate down.
In my daily diet I don't really feel deprived exactly...I feel more amazed at what huge bites and portions I see my family eating.....I keep wanting to tell them to slow down, take smaller bites and chew their food
I am looking forward to experimenting when I have more of a variety of foods to choose from. I swear this message board keeps me sane! Thanks again for making me feel so normal!

Hello everyone,
Glad to hear all is well and wonderful to hear that Linda's surgery went well. Not much new here except 2 cats in heat howling like Satan has possessed their little cat bodies. My 'just for me' hobby is showing and breeding Bengal cats. Wonderful cats if you are a cat person. Anyway, they woke me up yesterday about 6:00am with a little cat symphony....wasn't that nice! Even my two baby kittens were chiming in. I don't think American Idol is ready for them yet!!! Thank goodness my 2 boys (human, not cat
)sleep through anything.
The surgeon's office is still getting things together for the initial submission to insurance, so I'm in the waiting game........................................and I probably will be for awhile. That's ok, took me 30 years to get this way, one more year of waiting shouldn't seem too long. Meanwhile I have this board and several others to keep me educated and entertained.
Keep smiling,