Tuesday Roll Call
Good morning everyone!
Did you have a hard time driving in to work today Courtney?
On I70 West from Shadeland to Harding was nice & clear. No problems at all.
Angie...I had less than 2 miles in yesterday. I was expecting to be able to get alot more than that at the hospital. Oh well. Today should pass that up. I didn't get on the treadmill this morning though. I wanted to get to work as early as possible so I can leave earlier (yeah right! like I EVER get out of work on time!)...or at least have the extra time in to help cover for the time I take off for Tiffany.
Does anyone get foot cramps? I was laying in bed last night and OUCH! It's still tender this morning.
Has anyone heard how Linda's surgery went?
You all have a great day! I think I'll mainly be at my desk
. LONG day!

Morning Gorgeous Goddesses and Handsome Gents!
Today is going to be a better day! The laxative helped and my bloating is better so.......I am one happy camper!
I would love to stay in
but my back gets to hurting and I have to get up for awhile. I am finishing up my 2oz of oatmeal and will then start on my pills. It feels so odd for this to be a weight loss program I am ALWAYS eating or drinking something!
I am doing wonderful on my meals and have not had anything come back up I love my mashed potatoes and cottage cheese.
Even though I do not feel hungry, I eat my 3, 2oz meals on a regular basis and keep the liquids coming all day long. I had a SF popcicle last night and it was soooo good! Looking back on this from 4 days post op, I am amazed that it is going so good. It hasn't been nearly what I had prepared myself for so I am feeling very blessed! I thank God daily for my wonderful support friends on here! You have all been such a fun and uplifting group. I know my journey is so much better because of all of you. I believe the continued support will help me achieve my weight goal and help me keep it maintained. My husband and parents met a man in the hospital waiting room who had had this operation 5 years ago and lost lots of weight only to put it all back on plus more. I know that by dedicating myself to this I want to always keep on track and stay on the healthy side. Well I think I will get off here for now and check out the morning TV
It has been so long since I have been home during the day, this is a really treat for me. In a couple of weeks I hope to start puttering around the house and building my stamina up for when I go back to work March 20th. You all have a most fantastic day!!

Good morining everyone!
I am missing the 40-50's we were having the last few weeks! Oh well guess I should'nt complain. We have really had a good winter. Had 8 8 year old girls over this weekend for my daughters party(ughhhhh) now if that doesn't test your stamina I don't know what will!
Hope everyone has a great day!!