need help with appeal letter PLEASE
i got denied by insurance and i sopke with gary (lawyer) and he said that in my case with my insurance and the state i live in theres nothing that he could help me with so i guess i need to get an appeal letter filed with the insurance. so i am needing some help on what to include in the letter and also can anyone help me with getting some insurance that would cover me with all my health problems
I have a copy of "Weight Loss SUrgery For DUmmies" and this is what it says to include in an appeal letter:
*Your name, height & weight
* Your BMI and an explanation of what BMI is
*What you've done to try to lose weight on your own (i.e. diets, meds, excersise) and the outcomes (weight loss & regain)
*All your health problems associated with your obesity
*Any meds you're currently taking
*Length of time you've been overweight
*THe social effects of your obesity
*Job-Related probles due to your obesity
*Any difficulty you have in doing normal, everyday activites
*Any psychological issues related to your obesity (depression, low self-esteem)
I will be writing my own appeal letter this week ( I haven't been denied, but I've been waiting on insurance to decide for 3 weeks now, and I think its best to just be prepared.) and I will post it when I have completed it.
Hope this helps!