Tired of waiting already...
this isn't good! LOL Everyone says time will fly by, and I'm sure it will...but it doesn't seem that way right now.
I just got my approval last Tuesday and won't have surgery until April. WLS classes and college classes conflicted so I have to wait an extra month!
I'm trying to distract myself and take this time to get some things done but the surgery occupies so many of my thoughts! Does anyone have any suggestions on how to deal with that? I'm beginning to feel liek I can't have a normal conversation because this just keeps popping up! I know it's a major life change and all and my friends are all supportive, but they have got to be getting sick of me already...and I still have 2+ months to go!
I really just needed to get that out of my system and I figured only you guys would be able to relate and not get annoyed by my obsessiveness.

Obsessive??? I would be worried about you if you were NOT!!
You have been approved and are slated to have the surgery that will change your life forever!! Wow!!! and I am sorry you had to wait until April but then at least you have something to look forward to!!! Start now by taking your vitamins and getting in some kind of walking program.. that way if your in a habit .. you will be able to contiue it after surgery and you will have to carry a pooper scooper because the pounds will just fall off of you for the first few months!!!!
Good things come to those who wait!!

See, I knew you guys would understand
I keep thinking that if I at least had a date I could spend the time counting down the hours...lol. I sorta can now I guess, like I'm one hour closer but it's not the same as when you can say how many are left. Like I said...OBSESSED!
I already take vitamins so that's not much of a new routine. I have been trying to find a gym that I can afford and like. I spent today trying to decide how many sizes too small you can get a swim suit and have it still stretch to fit...that way I don't need to get a new one every few weeks...lol. I get the heebie jeebies thinking about wearing a used suit...no offense to anyone, just a wierd thing of mine (it also bugs me when my fiance uses my towel after he showers instead of his own).
Yesterday I spent doing my will and living will and "just in case" letters.....just in case. In my mind that insures that everything will go fine because bad things only happen when I'm not prepared for them.