seeking more information
Hi. I have been visiting this site for a while now and recently inquired to see if my insurance covers weight loss surgery. I was wondering if anyone was from southern indiana and if so if they could give me any information on who their surgeon was and how long it took for a surgery date. I have spoke with someone from the liv-lite program and they told me my insurance did cover however she told me with all the testing and meetings and etc. that it was appprox. 7 months before your surgery date. I know it takes a while to get all that done...but that seems like such a long time... Also..I have read several things about the procedures and I know that alot depends on the surgeons preferences, but can anyone tell me about drinks?? I know about lots of water and protein and have read where alot of people drink crystal light and such, but what about soda?? I thought someone told me you can't have sodas? Is it the caffeine or the carbonation?? I am so ready to start this process...but I will have to mentally prepare myself especially if I can't have my Diet Pepsi!! Isn't that awful?? Hope to hear from someone. Thanks and good luck to all of you...
I can only speak for my surgeon..she allows her patients to try carbonated beverages after 3-6 months post op. The nurse practitioner explained that carbonation creates tremendous pressure inside a new healing pouch and could cause big problems. Also, caffeine isn't permitted either. It acts as a diuretic (removes fluids) and is an appetite stimulant. I would recommend weaning yourself slowly off your Diet Pepsi as you prepare for surgery. Don't wait until your date is a few days's just too hard.
Best Wishes.
I am a Diet Pepsi drinker too. After was so hard to ge****er in....let alone anything else. But the carbonated drinks can cause your pouch to expand from the gas it creates and could cause your staple line to come undone....big boo-boo. We were told we could let the glass of soda sit and go flat first...then drink it
What was the point?
The debate over caffeine is up in the air. It causes increased appetite in some people and it can act as a diuretic. I myself drink regular coffee and I still have not regained my appetite after it must not affect my appetite
I do drink caffeine free Diet Pepsi if it's available...otherwise I drink the regular kind.
As for surgery dates..a lot of it has to do with how many are before you....some bariatric centers have so many scheduled, that it takes a while to get a slot in the schedule....unless someone cancels...people have been known to be moved up. It also depends on your insurance and whether or not they require a doctor supervised diet program prior to surgery. Then of course you will have 2 mandatory education classes to attend, psych eval, etc, etc.
The 7 months pass pretty quick.
Good luck on your journey!!!
RNY 7/28/04

I am not from southern In however my sister lives in Dugger and my stepmom lives in Sullivan, they both have had wls, I live heere in Indy and have had the surgery as well. My timing was not like everyone else's but I had my surgery at COMMUNITY NORTH my surgeon was Dr. Andrew Nigh who also is a trauma surgeon so I felt very comfortable in his hands! My 1st consult was Aug 10 2005 and I was scheduled for surgery originally Nov 1, however I had an infection and had my surgery on Nov 29 2005!!!!Hope this helps! Good Luck!!!
DAWN IN INDY!! By the way we are having a clothing exchange in April, maybe you could come and meet everyone, it is so much fun!!!
Hi Shannon!
I live in Bedford and had surgery with Dr Dana Lindsay in Franklin, IN. She practices at Johnson Memorial Hospital. I realize Evansville would be closer for you though.
I went off caffeine before surgery slowly and was totally decaf for several months after. I'm not any longer, however.........but don't feel the effects of caffeine as I used to. I drink Fruit2O, Propel water, tea....anything without bubbles. I made a decision to stay away from carbonation for at least a year will be up on 2/14 and I still don't miss sodas at all.
If I can help with any further information, please let me know!