That's so great, Courtney!!! Size 10...I can only imagine!!
I did buy a size 14 Speedo suit at Sam's Club yesterday & it FITS!! I had the 16 in the cart & my hubby kept saying it was too big! He finally talked me into bringing home the 14....YAY!
Marianne...I'm keeping good thoughts for you this week and can't wait till you're on the losing side!!
Wow... a size 10! You go girl!!
I'm at work today, I only work Mon-Wed and then I am off. I'm going to AZ next week for business, warm weather and sunshine, here I come!
Too bad I don't have any warm weather clothes. Ohwell, I'm going to go "shopping" in my friends closets. Thats what friends are for!
Hope you all have a great day!

Good Morning and Happy Monday Everyone,
I'm excited about this week moving along till it gets to Friday. Friday I have a Special Olympics Organization training seminar to go to and then I come home and gather my kid up and head up to see my father. Talked to him last night and he says that he's doing well. He said he did well the first to chemo treatments but that the third one kinda kicked his butt but he says he still feels pretty good and isn't in pain anymore.
Saturday night was awesome. When I get a chance I'll post the pictures. I got to meet David Harrison, Danny Granger, and Jermaine O'Neal. I got my picture taken with Jermaine and I look like a dork because I realized my hand was on his butt and I was shocked and that's when my bf decided to take the picture. So I look like a complete idiot but I did get a good squeeze on that nice butt of his, haha. But Jermaine stood and talked to us for about a good ten minutes or soooo - then it was back to the Playboy Playmates, haha! Harrison hung out with my bf and a few other guys infront of the bar tv which has ESPN on and they all talked about basketball. The club was awesome. We soon realized that one of the co-owners is my bf's sister in laws old boss so she talked to him and we can now get VIP treatment anytime for free. So it looks like I'll be making more visits to the club, woo hoo. I felt really self conscious about my appearrance and being in an unknown place. Espically the "little' girls in their "little" outfits made it even worse. But I did have fun and that's the most important thing.
As soon as I have time I'll post a link to the pictures.
Morning All!
I am up and at work......
I really am missing my caffine!! 5 days now without it and my ole butt is a draggin!! I am feeling better now only kinda spacey from the sudafed I have been taking every morning to ward off any drainage that could affect my lungs. I keep thinking I must be wierd as I still feel so calm about surgery and keep thinking I will at sometime go "What was I thinking!!"
I am concious now of how quickly I eat and tend to gulp my food and liquids...thinking boy this is sure going to change!!
I am more the type that will change when I am forced to so I guess Thursday will be my last Gulp! Thanks Ellen for the tip of taking t-shirts for under the binder.....I am such a prissy gal it will kill me to go without my face and hair...lol How long does the lap rny have to go before your first shower? I was thinking back to my nutrition classes and have to say alot of my mind is going blank....I don't think it is a blonde thing
I brought my binder in today to go over and see if I missed anything......so anxious and so excited and so ready to be over this part!
Thank you all for your prayers, they mean so much to me!
I treasure you all!